Destroy this, please


Feb 28, 2010
I'm a total newb and depite trying really hard, I can't seem to get into intermediate territory. Would you please point out the multiple mistakes and flukes on this premix?

All guitars are quad tracked. Cleans go into LeXTAC and a Fender impulse. Distorted guitars go into TS808, then Lecto/HyBrit (left/right), then Mesa/Marshall impulse.

Guitars and bass are slightly EQ'd and drums are obviously missing. I've got some free (as in everything else I use) drum samples, as well as a dubious quality Superior Drummer DVD someone sold me, and I plan to use either but haven't got around to learn how to. [By learn I mean how do mix drums, not how to activate them].

By the way, guitars are at -6dB and they're still clipping in some parts.

Do you guys think this tone is ok? is it complete crap? can I save some of this recordings?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Clean intro sounds really good. Nothing bad there. Clipping on the dirt guitars when they come in. They don't seem to pop out of the speakers like the cleans did.

All pretty academic without drums/bass though man!
Clean intro sounds really good. Nothing bad there. Clipping on the dirt guitars when they come in. They don't seem to pop out of the speakers like the cleans did.

All pretty academic without drums/bass though man!

Thank you very much for replying. There is bass, although it's only present on the first verse and first chorus.

Do you have any advice on how to avoid clipping? (other than turning down the volume fader)

Finally, I am very much into academics so I'm gonna take that as a compliment :headbang:

Is the EQ right?
Thank you very much for replying. There is bass, although it's only present on the first verse and first chorus.

Do you have any advice on how to avoid clipping? (other than turning down the volume fader)

Finally, I am very much into academics so I'm gonna take that as a compliment :headbang:

Is the EQ right?

Input volume, maybe?

EQ can only be right in the context man, get drums on it!
The clean sound of the intro reminds me a bit of Buried Alive - A7X. Put some drums that we could give you more tips mix-wise
Ok, thanks a lot guys. I'll try to put some drums in there. Even though I don't know how do mix drums hehe.

I guess that the lack of "omgz that's crap" comments is a good start. I'll probably do it tomorrow night though... I'm kinda tired and I've got to go to my stupid job tomorrow.