Destroyer 666


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland

I've heard them mentioned as a black/thrash/death hybrid which sounds great and they've caught my attention.

Fill me in on what they're like so I can make a decision on whether or not to buy something. "Phoenix Rising" sounds like a good choice at the moment.
I've personally never heard them, but I've they friggin' slay. Dumb name though.

Check out Morrigan. Awesome band. You should like 'em.
They better be good with 666 in the title, that's as metal as you get without having the actual word "metal" in your band name (and just as goofy).
i downloaded phoenix rising ... imho ... save your money.
well played, but nothing you have not heard before and done better.
If downloading illegal mp3s is a sin, but you download a group with 666 in the title, does that mean you are doing God's work?
Thank you Raisin Nut Bran, you have averted catastrophe once again (I was constipated yesterday).
fucking RNB did not help me yesterday from 3 days of serious backup.
it took some Indian fare to finally release the gates of hell
Horkin Fiber Chunks always does the trick for me.

Oh what am I saying, I rarely go 6 hours without a healthy dump. :Spin:
They are awesome. Definately pick up "Phoenix Rising" but if you want to check out some songs beforehand, try "I am the Wargod" and "The Eternal Glory of War". I think most people here would probably like them. Nothing groundbreaking, but very enjoyable. "Black/death/thrash" hybrid is pretty accurate, there's a bit of everything in there, so I can't see why it wouldn't appeal to most.

Plus their mainmain's pseudonym is K.K. Warslut, which along with the band name makes them the most metal band ever.
I've had "Phonenix Rising" for over a year now, and I think I listened to it once, never returning to it. It's your standard run of the mill stuff as far as I can remember. I def need to give it another chance though, but these days I'm not listening to any blah death metal unless it's got something different going on.
Yeah, I'm not exactly sure why Morrigan is being thrown in here ?? hehehe, but for sure Morrigan is better than the Destroyer 666 I've heard.

But then, 9 times out of 10 I would go Viking over standard death metal anyway.
I think maybe you should give it another listen, as there's no way I'd call it death metal. I don't really see where you've got that "standard death metal" description from to be honest. It's more black/thrash than death, but that description doesn't give it justice either.
I don't consider Morrigan to be "viking" at all. Sure, Enter the Sea of Flames and Celts both have some epic moments, but Plague, Waste, and Death is straight up blackened thrash to me.

I just figured if it's the blackened thrash sound he's going for, go with a better band (even though I've never heard D666)
Black/Thrash like latter-Immortal, or like Witchery?

I'll give it another spin today, hopefully I'll see it in a different light. I could do with some brutal thrash...
Yeah, same band.

EDIT: But Morrigan take their cues from Blood, Fire, Death, and the stuff before, not really so much from Hammerheart. I consider BFD to be blackened thrash with epic touches, which is where I'd put Morrigan.

I'm sure Erik will chime in here.