Dethklok in Atlanta

J-Dubya 777

It NEVER ends
Nov 7, 2004
Cheeseland USA
Just got a message about this, and thought I'd pass it on to the local Atlanta folks:

(featuring Brendon Small, Mike Keneally, Bryan Beller & Gene Hoglan)
Thursday, December 13
Center Stage
1374 West Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30309
Info: (404) 885-1365
Doors open at 9:00 p.m.
Admission Free!
Space is limited, so arrive early. Only the first 450 people will be guaranteed admission!

I saw this @ Northwestern University, and it's a fun multi-media show, plus you get to see Mike Keneally & Bryan Beller playing METAL! The price is right, too!
LOf'nL! :Spin:

If you see Mike & Bryan afterwards, tell them I said Hi!

It's fun, it's free, and definately worth the time! (Not to mention, it's a cool show too!)
I broke down and posted it on the WREKage website. :)

I probably won't be able to go due to work schedule; I get off work at 7:30, but I've a feeling they'll have reached capacity long before then. :(
Adding a bit.... Metalocalypse pokes a bit of fun at the extreme metal scene but does so tastefully, and references to the scene abound within the show, everything from 'Dimmu Burger' to 'Finntroll's' (grocery store) to Behemoth Pictures to "this godless endeavor." Speaking of Nevermore, vocal cameos also appear, ranging from Warrel Dane and Jeff Loomis to Samoth, Trym and Ihsahn of Emperor to our own Devin Townsend.

Wow, there's actually a lot more 'inside joke' material there than I realized. :kickass: :rock:
If anyone goes to this let us know how it is. If it didn't start so late and require standing in line for 4+ hours to gaurantee getting in, we would have gone.

Then again it's par for the course as Deathklok fans usually get mauled over,drowned in lava or abused in some other way in the cartoon, this is like getting the total experience lol.
I don't think I'll be going. Despite really wanting to see them.

Earliest I could really get there would be 8. And I'm not sure if I'd get in. Then again, its possible that not even 450 will show up right? Meh.

Wish I could 'buy' a ticket! =d
I don't think I'll be going. Despite really wanting to see them.

Earliest I could really get there would be 8. And I'm not sure if I'd get in. Then again, its possible that not even 450 will show up right? Meh.

Wish I could 'buy' a ticket! =d

GO!!!! When I saw it in Chicago, it didn't fill up until before the opening act.
(then again, it was restricted to college students) I'd seriously take a spin by the venue & check it out before abandoning it....

From what I hear, it may be back around again in 2008, everybody involved has had a lot of fun doing it....
Anyone else go to this last night? I thought it was equal parts awesome and hilarious! SOLID crowd too. Had to be more than 450...or at least right at it. Amazing energy and the band sounded spot-on. The between song cartoon shorts were awesome too. This is just a fun night if it comes to your town, definitely GO! I'd definitely pay to go again (but another free show is always welcome too!)

If you're familiar with the show some of the songs they played were Murmaider, Hatredcopter, Birthday Dethday, the Coffee Song, the intro theme and several others. Good stuff!
Just curious, when did you arrive and how long did you wait in line? How was parking? Help me regret not going even more by saying it was not that bad :P.
:mad:I am so pissed I missed this. I just looked at the date hoping against all hope that it was still yesterday. Oh time how you've tricked me again!!!!!!!!:waah:

Just curious, when did you arrive and how long did you wait in line? How was parking? Help me regret not going even more by saying it was not that bad :P.

Ha ha...not sure what you want to hear...but

I arrived about 7:30. Line was already around the corner about 1/2 way down 17th street towards the interstate. They opened doors right at 9:00PM. The most bizarre thing was once we got inside, they had a movie playing silently while the sound guy CRANKED old heavy metal songs. Very bizarre. I did not recognize the movie. Parking was not an issue, but it never is for me. I've always parked at the outside lot on the other side of 17th street with no issues.

I'm a little surprised that no one here went (maybe just haven't posted or don't have anything specific to say?). I definitely saw one guy in a ProgPower 7 shirt but I never got a chance to talk to him so don't know if he was a forum poster or not.
I got as far as driving around the venue a couple of times looking for a free parking space (and looking at the line and thinking "hmmm, it looks like it's 450 or more...") before deciding that I was feeling shitty and not up for a show...also, the presence of an opening band on the marquee didn't thrill me either, with a late start to the night already (9pm doors).

I scanned the line for two people who were supposedly already there and holding me a place in line, but I didn't see either one (and both were TALL guys) and neither answered their cell phones. So I bailed and went home and went to bed fairly early.