Detuned 2X12 cabinet question


Level IV idiot
Oct 7, 2007
Anybody have any experience with detuned cabinets?

In a recording situation specifically?
Essentially a detuned 2X12 cabinet is a standard 4X12 with two of the speakers removed, allowing the back waves to be reversed through the non-tuned (de-tuned) ports (the mounting holes) in the baffle.
A 1X12 detuned cabinet is a 2x12 with a speaker removed.

I had a blown speaker in my only 4X12 years ago while gigging on the road and while the speaker was in the shop I had to play that night (I even remember the city......). So although the cabinet wasn't technically 'detuned', it did have a single hole in the baffle, and I remember it sounded...well...better:). Bigger:rock:. But maybe not quite as
I had to rewire the cabinet to run on only 2 speakers for that night, even tho' it still had 3 in there.
And no, the blown speaker was not was replaced, and I never really considered running a 4X12 with 2 empty spots.
But maybe I should?