What cabinet to get next


I was wondering if I could get some advice on what speaker cabinet to go for next. We work with a lot of different kind of stuff (although mainly metal oriented) and I'd like something that compliments what we already have to give a wider palette of sounds. The cabs we have at the moment:

* Marshall 1960B 4x12"
* Marshall 1960BX 4x12"
* Mesa Boogie Rectifier Trad 4x12"

Any ideas, anyone? Also, doesn't have to be 4x12 I guess but I have almost zero experience with anything smaller either so I'm a bit cautious.
Bogner Ubercab tends to get an awful lot of praise.
Other than that, I'd be a fool not to recommend the 1960DM. I've had mine for all of 4 days and I can't get over how awesome it is haha
Ubercab, alright. I checked their site - V30 (same as in the Mesa) and G12T75 (same as in the 1960B). Would there still be a remarkable difference? They seem a bit tricky to obtain in Europe as well. And with "tricky" I mean I can't just go on the Thomann site and click "order", hehe.

EDIT: Oh, about the 1960DM. I'm sure it's good but nothing with that guy's name is ever entering my studio. ;)
Every metal studio can benefit from a mesa recto 412, but Bogner, Deizel, are way up there too. Vader cabs are also worthwhile to check out. Also Aguilar and Avatar cabinets make custom designs as far as construction and speakers go. Definitely check them out.

My cab at the moment is a genz-benz gflex ported 212 cab with v30's. if your interested in something a bit unique, check it out.
EDIT: Oh, about the 1960DM. I'm sure it's good but nothing with that guy's name is ever entering my studio. ;)

:lol: fair enough, sir!

Looked into Zilla? I didn't get on with the model I had in particular (Super Fatboy) but it certainly had a unique quality to it, and it hasn't discouraged me entirely from looking into another one in the future (but a different model this time). It was very well constructed, but warm sounding, so not ideal for metal, but for blues/rock/anything else it was a very well balanced cab. Priced really well, and completely to your custom spec too.
Wow, lots of options here, doesn't exactly make it easier, hehe!

Brett, the Diesel looks very tempting. Felt a bit skeptical about getting one more cab with V30 but I guess the voicing can be quite different. Any chance of hearing a comparison with a Mesa?

I'll look into the other suggestions later tonight.

EDIT: Might add btw that the Mesa cab we have is the regular size, not the OS
having both the marshall and mesa thing covered, i'd go with something totally different and try an orange or something like that
One thing to be aware of is that the V30s in Mesa cabs are manufactured by Mesa, while most other V30 cabs have the Celestion drivers. Lolzgreg posted a speaker comparison a couple of years ago, IIRC there was a clear difference. I'm very happy with my Recto cab :)
Orange has been on my shortlist for quite some time now actually so maybe it'd be a good time to pull the trigger. How's the model with G12K100? I don't think I ever worked with that speaker. Or would it be a safer bet with the V30 model?