Devil Doll... Recommendations?

John Gargo

Mar 4, 2003
New York
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So I've heard a lot of GREAT things about this relatively obscure band and as a result, I've decided to take the plunge into their discography. So my question is simple... which two albums out of these five would be a great place for me to start if I wanted to check them out?


The Girl Who Was Death
The Sacrilege of Fatal Arms
Dies Irae
i think the last two would be the best way to start, easiest to get into, but each album has something good and very weird to offer.
I find it to be about 5 minutes of strong material worth listening to with 40-60 minutes of boring overly dramatic and ear scraping filler in between.
I got "Sacrilegium" and "Dies Irae" first.
"The girl who was...Death" is also good to start with.

"The Girl who was.....Death" -> very good debutalbum, with more rock parts than "Sacrilegium"
"Sacrilegium" -> the strongest album story-telling wise and overall his best album (imo); less rock parts but better arragements than the debut
"Dies Irae" -> the most symphonic one; very bombastic orchestration and lots of rock parts

Don´t get "Eliogabalus" or "Sacrilege of fatal arms" first.