Devil-Worshipping METALLICA Fans Steal Skeletons For Thanksgiving Bash - Jan. 29, 200

Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh....*hides Darth Vader mask*......I was eating turkey and then my sister freaked out when everyone forgot to pray. Remeber,dsm, the one who put me thru the makeshift intervention...? Yeah, I wasn't anywhere near Westminster, either......*sweats profusely seeing that her cover's blow*
:p :D
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
:lol: your mom didnt pray?
Nope, my sister's the one who has, all of the sudden, felt the need to incorperate religion into her life. She's the one who says grace when we have one of those forced family dinners. And she always makes a big deal out of the fact that I don't join them in the saying of the thanking that non-existent guy for the food which he clearly didn't give to us. She'll tell me "Laura, you can't eat until you say 'amen'." Surprisingly enough, my father(the George Carlin fan who gets offended if I say anything negative about religion*huge oxymoron there*)is the one who'll tell her that I "have the right" to do whatever I want. I just try to aviod family dinners and make-shift interventions as best as I can.
And, LOM, when you think that human kind can get no stupider... come over to Westminster. Though I'm sure your area had plenty of stupidity, too. That's pretty much a given.
Yes, it is a given. It is definitely a given. Although, there are intelligent people, but not a lot, of course that's just the world for you.
Dude, this town has to have the lowest IQ in the entire state, they do drugs like it's going out of style, and fuck like it's 1964.
...And they all listen to that Boinky boinky Mexican Circus Music too!!! Either that or rap... BLEH!