devin townsend added to playlist at!

all4dametal said:
Awesome........Can't wait to hear the Vivien Lalu stuff with Ryan ! When is it happening ? Anyone know ?

The session should take place in March 2004, in France . Vivien is a real talented dude. I've been impressed by his works. Check his stuff here

I should start to work on his new site in January . I heard the demos of the record to come and the level of composition is very very very high . The album will be conceptual, I can't tell you more right now...
Hey mate,
Thanks so much!
I get there around one time per year, so...
Thanks for the support once again. You're the best! ;)
Well guyz, I uploaded one song that is "free" to download.
This is an instrumental keyboard rough with guitars (feat Joop Wolters), thanks for your understanding. Who knows... maybe this will be a collector mp3 *once the CD's released?? ;-)
My site's down for the moment, there were only old mp3's on it (thought it was too crappy) but Geoff gonna work on the new one and I know for sure this gonna rock(!)
Best wishes,
Hey Viv,
Can't wait to hear your stuff with Ryan drumming on it ! I just saw him play with his other band God Awakens Petrified. He is absolutely insane ! I had no idea he could play drums that intense and difficult. What kind of drums is he going to play on your record ? Come on......give us some info ! ;)
Hey... Well I think this will be up to Ryan what he is going to play, I cannot tell anything now (that"'s a little bit too soon). I just can tell...the style of the album goe s many ranges between prog', metal and ambient stuff so he may have a lot of different shit to perform, but I know this will come out OK (he's a very versatile drummer I think). The album's far of Dream Theater's way of making prog', that's not about about alot of "technical" instrumental parts and shit, here there's only more simple things, but I with a lot of emotion and melody in it. Anyway... I will let Geoff keep you posted when it's time, I don't like the idea of making my "own" publicity" hahaha :) I was only willing to thank you guys that are interested into my crap... I hope not to deceive you too much! I'm only doing my little thing on this part of the world... ;-)
Yeah, I agree Ryan is a versatile drummer. Just listen to his MP3's on his website, he covers everything from Punk music to Pop music to Metal ! He does them all well.

Don't worry, either, your not spamming the forum with your music. Geoff and i were just mentioning it. Ryan is involved in your project so it makes sense to talk about it ! :) I know the album will be great with you and Ryan, he is an awesome drummer. Can't wait to hear it !
I was only willing to thank you guys that are interested into my crap... I hope not to deceive you too much! I'm only doing my little thing on this part of the world... ;-)

CRAP !!! Are you crazy Viv . Hey my friend so cool to see you here !!!
To all the guys around here, let me tell you that I've been a lot impressed by the level of composition of Viv . He is a real virtuoso, and yes, his music reminds me Dream theater in the early years (images and words) . But there's much more emotions... Even if I only heard demos, let me tell you that the sound is huge !!!

You fuckin' rule and the future is bright for you !!!
Oooooo, so sweet!!
Thanks for the warm words Geoff, but I have to add that I love all that u do (artwork & websites) so fortunately I've found a new brother in arms :) Your graphics will kick ass for this release. I wish the future is bright for all of you that try to make your dreams come true! Just make your thing, and don't care too much about what people say. That's the best you can do...(they are never there to help your life out.........weow, I speak like I would be a wise ass)

oldlyonfreak said:
CRAP !!! Are you crazy Viv . Hey my friend so cool to see you here !!!
To all the guys around here, let me tell you that I've been a lot impressed by the level of composition of Viv . He is a real virtuoso, and yes, his music reminds me Dream theater in the early years (images and words) . But there's much more emotions... Even if I only heard demos, let me tell you that the sound is huge !!!

You fuckin' rule and the future is bright for you !!!