Devin Townsend and SYL

Apr 7, 2006
now ive heard about Devin Townsend and his Strapping Young Lad band but never have been motivated to check them out,
so today i though, yeah why the hell not, and im actually pretty liking his stuff, its taken me a while to get used to it but im digging it now. :)
i think he has definate music skills and his musical approaches seem rather creative, but SYL have this wierd unique sound i think (well i dont know any other bands that sound like them) unless someone could reccomend me some if there are..?
i know Devin has his own solo project going on and i'm yet to check them out.
i think SYL is like prog.industrial thrash .. kinda lol. what are genre are they??

what does everyone think of SYL and Devin music-wise?
even if he does look like a musical gremlin :p
anyone got any opinions/thoughts?
im just looking to find out more.

cheers :kickass:
I bought City like 6 years ago, and for 2 years i barely listened to it, thought SYL was so utterly overrated. Then one day for some reason it clicked, and i fucking love them now. I didnt like Alien much, but the other 3 albums are great. Devin's solo stuff i think is fantastic as well, especially Ocean Machine and Terria.
absolutely love it...I love "Alien", it's such a strange approach to music. It's very interesting. I love all of his solo work also, I'm just a big fan of anything he does really. His production is awesome as well, he's produced some fucking great albums for other bands...
Mumblefood said:
well his solo stuff (or "Devin Townsend Band", whatever) is much more melodic, and more progressive in approach.

Sounds interesting, half the reason I don't particularly like SYL is because it just sounds like a wall of noise to me.
ocean machine is my favorite album along with infinity....of all time. the sheer brilliance of the songwriting on both, especially the latter is just awe inspiring. and the best part is that he does it all by himself.
His solo work is amazing IMO. No one out their is really like him and this is probably the reason why I like his work so much. Very unique in a sea of sameness.

SYL is pretty good as well. Especially City and Alien.
I thought there was much less love for SYL and Devin than this.
I also heard he was involved with The Wildhearts at some point.