Devin Townsend Apologizes to Symphony X Fans...

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Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
Just thought you might wanna know...

DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND mainman Devin Townsend (also of STRAPPING YOUNG LAD) has issued the following statement regarding various "incidents" that occurred during the group's North American tour with SYMPHONY X:

"SYMPHONY X fans, I was childish and stupid in the way I treated the symphony x audience. I am sorry for acting so immature, and I can assure you that I have learned a lesson from the experience. SYMPHONY X was wonderful to tour with, and I thank them for the opportunity. I am sorry to anyone I may have offended, it was wrong of me to say much of what I said onstage."

Posted by: Nailer
Source: blabbermouth
you know what I say? Fuck Devin..and his stupid crappy boring ass no talent canadian music...I was just oh so lucky to sit thru his 50 min of "me looking at my watch every 2 min wondering when the hell X was commin' on" music...

no offence to those who are canadian here..
To me it seems like a pretty standard apology purely in his own interest and reputations sake. Call me cynical but If somebody comes off a dick on stage they usually are one off it, something tells me I should reprise that sentence but I've got better things to do.
i personally give devin credit for publicly apologizing. he was having a rough tour, between unreceptive fans and illness and such. i'm not saying these are valid excuses, but people make mistakes, and he admits that he did.
I say fuck everyone who can't take a joke. It's devin's brand of humor. If you don't like it, don't go to the tour. It's that simple. I mean, devin having to apologise for being himself is as much bullshit as the dixie chicks having to apologise for having an oppinion about our president. That's fuckin' shit right there. i'm not saying anything about symphony x, just everyone who is bitching about this stuff. i stand by what i say... if you don't like it that's fine, but what the fuck? no one asked you to like devin... i don't really like devin townsend band, and SYL is alright, but i can appreciate someone having a sense of humor. Jesus, grow up :rolleyes:
theodyssey said:
I say fuck everyone who can't take a joke. It's devin's brand of humor. If you don't like it, don't go to the tour. It's that simple. I mean, devin having to apologise for being himself is as much bullshit as the dixie chicks having to apologise for having an oppinion about our president. That's fuckin' shit right there. i'm not saying anything about symphony x, just everyone who is bitching about this stuff. i stand by what i say... if you don't like it that's fine, but what the fuck? no one asked you to like devin... i don't really like devin townsend band, and SYL is alright, but i can appreciate someone having a sense of humor. Jesus, grow up :rolleyes:
IMO Devin Townsend is far better in every way to Symphony X but I wouldn't expect Symphony X fans to know that as they are used to hearing flashy, over-the-top wankery.

Anyway, fuck those that don't understand why Devin says what he says on stage.
I don't know what to make of it anymore, just goes on and on.....
seems to come down to respect, IMO. There was disrespect toward him from some who were in the audience, and there was disrespect toward the audience from him. There's an obvious lack of respect from fans toward fans.
WTF, everybody has their own opinions, likes and dislikes. Personally, I think it was not a very good match up for a tour, and it got strange.

P.S. "flashy, over-the-top wankery" :rock: !!!!!!!!!!

mental picture.....chicken wire around the Forum stage. :Spin:
We're not going to host more of this inane Devin vs. SymX crap, Devin's forum handled that already, & we simply don't operate that way here. SymX & their crew had a great time with Devin, & this is not the place to talk crap about him. Show other artists the same respect here that you'd like SymX to be shown elsewhere. You think Devin's an ass for how he acts on stage? You're entitled to that opinion. You think he's funny? You're entitled to that opinion also..but DO NOT be talking shit about each other OR the musicians here, nice or play elsewhere. Fair & civil "I don't like (whoever) because (reason)" or "I disagree because (reason)" is fine, but lay off the BS smack talking.
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