I love Devin's solo stuff, have all his CD's (I have the SYL discs too but have to be in a certain frame of mind to listen to that stuff). Synchrestra is one of my favorite CD's of this year and Ocean Machine, Terria, and Physicist are masterpieces.
That said, his performance at PP3 was a big disappointment for me. The set list left a lot to be desired IMHO, and the soundmix was so bad (and loud) that some songs were barely recognizable. If somebody had never heard his stuff before that night, I could easily understand them walking away from his set and being unimpressed.
I'd love to see DTB live but am guessing it probably won't happen at PP. Really though, I don't know that a live performance of his stuff can ever truly deliver all that's on the CD's anyway. Much of his best material isn't really adaptable to a live performance I think.