Devin Townsend Videos


Jun 30, 2003
Well being a huge fan and living in India is impossible for me to ever get to see SYL or any other devin townsend projects live..... but i managed to find some bootleg videos from a japan concert of some infinity and ocean machine tracks and also found a syl live bootleg of all hail the new flesh

are there any other bootleg videos floating around and is there anyplace i can get them??
you will soon get some stuff via the "un"official SYL website...
wait and see for mp3,vidz, boots...a kick ass site...
that's a rumor I heard....

Demonstealer said:
Well being a huge fan and living in India is impossible for me to ever get to see SYL or any other devin townsend projects live..... but i managed to find some bootleg videos from a japan concert of some infinity and ocean machine tracks and also found a syl live bootleg of all hail the new flesh

are there any other bootleg videos floating around and is there anyplace i can get them??

You can order that whole show from It is Devin the first half, SYL, and then some solo acoustic show Devy did.