DF owes Steve royalties?

I was wondering about that too, but since it *is* the band's song, who knows...
The story goes something like this.....originally I brought that song in as a kind of piano ballad type thing which we then reworked in rehearsals to add a more power metal vibe to it. If memory serves we played it at one of the first DH shows. I think the guys have re-worked it further since my departure into what it is now, both musically and lyrically.

I've thought a couple of times in the past about recording the original version......
Yeah, to be honest I think that's a good idea Steve. Much as it's a great track, I think the last thing you want to do is associate yourself musically with DragonForce again. In my opinion, you've moved on to bigger and better things and should keep it that way.
Nothing wrong with that either! Wasn't seriously expecting you to actually do anything with the song anyway, haha. Though I gotta say, you helped come up with one KILLER song in WDR - I love it, personally.
As a fan of both these bands, I just thought it was pretty cool that they brought that one out of the cabinet for a playthough.

I'd love the reworked version, but hey. :p
I can't believe i missed it! i so wanted them to play it at the Oxford gig last year. I think Steve's right to leave it there, it's been done and it would bring the DF comparisons back. I think he should record the Tragedy Suite haha
Yeah, to be honest I think that's a good idea Steve. Much as it's a great track, I think the last thing you want to do is associate yourself musically with DragonForce again. In my opinion, you've moved on to bigger and better things and should keep it that way.

As much as I agree with that sentiment I can't deny the curiosity is there. I'd like to hear it but maybe just as an unofficial release or in a videocast or whatever and not on the next album?

Either way it goes without saying Steve that there are a large number of PQ fans here (and one or two fanatics!) who'd love to hear a large number of the songs written but not released! Tragedy Suite, et al!
All I'll say is, when I put forward the idea at the DF forum that the bands should tour together and then Steve should join/boot Vadim for a few DragonHeart songs at the end, like Helloween and Gamma Ray have been doing, it had a lot of support over there. :p