Diabolical Masquerade

Hahah, nice. I'm going to look for it immediatly.

EDIT: No luck on Soulseek. :erk: So if anyone knows where I can find it or is willing to share, I would be VERY thankful!
Hey burton well i have managed to get the mp3s of STEEL but i do believe, we could all convince Dan to put up a rare stuff cd and compile them there??

Maybe?? :D

( anyway send me amessage to my mail account )
Haha yes, STEEL, ODYSSEY, maybe the A WAYFARER'S TEARS song quintology (is that a word?), that would be an awesome 'rare stuff' compilation. Maybe a Pan.Thy.Monium song or two as well, don't know how hard those are to come by. I found the Dawn of Dream+Khaooohs re-release in a normal record store O_o
burton said:
I can't find any Pan.Thy.Monium on Soulseek either. ;[

Burton, do you mean music or lyrics?
Well I thought Pan Thy Monium is quite avaliable:)
If music, I had it without any problems.
If you can't find it on CD download it from I-net:)
I think you'll find it there
If I get back to Europe, I am going to try hard to get Dan Swano's works. A friend of mine has Crimson, and boy I think I owe it to him to buy another CD since I think I scratched it because of too many listens!
Liza The Lizard said:
Well I didn't like (maybe didnt understand) Death Design at all - ffeeeeee...
But Nightwork is the best!!
Hey Dan - your hand was recognized during the listetning :)

There are only few albums I've heard where every song becomes a favorite one/

Especialy...."God,...is it really you, God?....." - "WWRRRRRRRA-WWWWWRRRA-WWRRRA"

I think its actually
"God.. is it really you, god? Is it really you?...
(demonic voice replies:)
Haha.. I've been playing all four DM albums nonstop lately.. on my CD player at home and on my mp3 player while I'm going out.

Just wanted to resurrect this thread for the "DO I LOOK LIKE GOD TO YOU?!?!?!?!" part..