Did Anyone Like The Movie "vanilla Sky"?


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I thought Vanilla Sky was O.K., but overhyped. It all made sense to me towards the very end of the movie. Also, is the scene were Tom Cruise (a.ka. "David Ames") faces his fear of heights also in the movie Mission Impossible 2. Seems like I've seen the same scene in Metallica's "I Disappear" also for MI2.
they always showed the iris of the maincharacter that reminded me on the PoE booklet, and there were some other things in the movie that reminded me on music or other movies. i think it was ok, but a bit too long....the storyline was ok!
I thought it was a pretty good, solid movie. Actually, it reminded me a lot of Dream Theater's Scenes from a Memory album in 2000. Even, the ending: open your eyes, david (VS) and open your eyes, nickolas (DT) shows the similarity :). BTW, would you guys know any way of contacting Warrel Dane somehow, I would love to do an interview with him for progressiveworld.net. Thanks.
I LOVE THE MOVIE.....I LOVE THAT SORT OF STUFF.it was awsome..im trien to get TRUE LIGHT to watch it,,,,,.......it is great.....it was s uprise towards the end..i watched it 3 times, and it was best the 3rd.....i like it alot
One of my friends saw that movie and she said it was really bad.I haven't seen it or anything,nor do I have any desire to,so I can't say what I think...what exactly is that movie about,anyway?
You just have to watch it......its actually SCI FI with an edge of truth...but the first 3/4 of the film comes across like a wierd LOVE STORY.....

Its about criogynics,,,,and the future, and life as a dream......its pretty deep..
if you dont really watch and PAY ATTENTION, the movie would suck.....rather bad i would say...

Give the film a chance.......watch it more than once if you have to.......BTW...Im not a TOM fan, and i still dig the movie....
uh, you guys know it was a remake of a spanish movie, right? Its called "Abres los ojos" ( something like that, however you say "Open your eyes")..... yay penelope cruz topless scenes.