Did anyone notice on the new syl video, that...


Apr 5, 2003
Did anyone notice that the intro to the new Strapping Young Lad music video (Love) was like, a tribute to Evil Dead or something. It has the camera going with the dirtbike sound and it breaks through the door of the house then it shows Mr. Goat and his posse. And at one point the camera does a flip. That's hilarious, eh? I didn't realize it until just now and had to tell someone because I am :loco:.

I hope the music videos Opeth makes for their new CD are ubergrim. They could have flesh-eating zombies who blow up and blood flies out like a fire hose. :OMG:
I guess I should have made a thread about future Opeth Music Videos I suppose. Since they are on a larger label, there's more of a chance of them making a music video. I think it would be ferking awesome to see, like, the album art for Still Life come ALIVE... I hope if they do make a music video, they get someone really good who can do something like that.

I wouldn't want to see Opeth do a video similar to SYL - Love, even if it is a cool vid. :) It's just not their style.
dude. Everyone with a brain knows that the SYL video in its entirety is atribute to Evil Dead. The chainsaw, Jed's hand goes bad. They turn into deadite zombies everynow and then. The deer head on the wall.

By making a thread about it on the opeth forum...you make yourself and all of us more stupid.

thank you for that.
your mother's a whore, trebek.

i never heard of ubersite, so i just headed there, and found this:

Personally, I would not like to see Opeth make any music videos. I think the whole concept of music videos does not fit in the Opeth realm. Opeth are artists, not subjects for pornography. Music videos fit perfectly with some bands, I just don't feel Opeth is one of them. Their music creates so many images in my mind already, videos might destroy that. However, if they did make videos, I would probably watch them all the time, whether I feel I should or not. That's just my opinion though. Does anyone agree?
Well jeez forgive me, sirs. I didn't watch the whole thing until 5 minutes ago. Plus in my defense, I'd like to state that the deer head looks similar to the singer + the guitarist probably had black veins from smoking too much and drinking. :D

Just kidding. :(