Wounded Knee was a cult-hardcoreband in Finspång. Fronted by the legendary bassplayer/vocalist Ragge Sjögren. When I discovered the joy of drumming in punkbands I dreamt of joining them one day!! My dream came true and my first job was to play drums on the "Searching" EP. A few weeks after the recording Sami Nerberg (EOS) left and Robban "Skoog" Ivarsson (Pan-Thy-Monium) joined on guitar. We wrote a shitload of new tracks with this new and hungry line-up. It was great to just be the drummer and having to worry about a sorethroat or writing new material. Ragge decided it was time to record the first album (vinyl rules!!!), one swedish side and one english side was executed in the same studio as the 7". This album contains my best drumming ever. It's hard to believe that it's me playing. Whenever I feel depressed this record works just fine to cheer me up!!! Never released on CD. Wounded Knee recorded a selftitled EP before "Searching" and a few songs made their way onto various complation EP's. Since Ragge owns the rights to the recorded material I haven't uploaded anything from those recordings. I might put together a little "taster" someday to let you all hear what it was like. This track featured here is off an EP that I released together with the other bands featured on it (Tom Nouga, Screed and O

the circle))