Did Gregadeth actually get that guy with the cool avatar banned..

TD said:
:yell: It's Gregabitch now.
He gave Bitch-boy a "zing" about his son, and bitchboy "turned him into the UM authorities." How sad.
I should turn gregabitch in for being so retarded with is math and calendar reading skills, let alone lack of humor.

Greg rocks in a funny, honest (sometimes I don't agree, but at least I know he's not just posting things to spread negativity), nice to people w/ integrity and has integrity.
TD said:
He rocks, like in an uneducated, white trashy, ugly-as-hell, shouldn't be having kids, probably hangs with trampy strippers, wears macgregor tennis shoes, drinks beer from a can kinda rock. Yeah, he rocks.

And your point????? First its Buddy LUV Bomb now it's Greg?????WTF:yuk:
Well, TD - he implied that I have anal sex w/ my own son...so yeah I GOT THE FUCKER BANNED!

It seems you're the only one here who has a problem with it. Tell me, how's it feel to be the lonely boy?
GregadetH said:
Well, TD - he implied that I have anal sex w/ my own son...so yeah I GOT THE FUCKER BANNED!

It seems you're the only one here who has a problem with it. Tell me, how's it feel to be the lonely boy?

Are we "e-fighting?" :hotjump: !
His implications must have touched a nerve for some reason. Something going on in Georgia we should know about?????? To quote the Saint "the truth always hurts..." :err:
Skorned1 said:
Greg rocks in a funny, honest (sometimes I don't agree, but at least I know he's not just posting things to spread negativity), nice to people w/ integrity and has integrity.


I'm honest b/c that's how I was raised. I also believe that there is a line that you do not cross. Arrogant crossed it when the enter key was pressed to send that post. TD, I know we sling shit towards oneanother and all..to me it's in good humour..and I'm willing to overlook the things you've said in this thread.

Just think if you were me, how funny would it have been? I can truly say those were words that I would gladly go to jail on assault and battery charges just to seek vengeance for. Would you have chalked it up to a good laugh? I doubt it.
TD said:
Are we "e-fighting?" :hotjump: !
His implications must have touched a nerve for some reason.

His implications touched a nerve b/c that is my child. Unless you are a parent I don't expect you to understand.

Something going on in Georgia we should know about?????? To quote the Saint "the truth always hurts..." :err:

Please, I'm asking you not to take it there. You've had your fun but implying this is just wrong man.
GregadetH said:
Well, TD - he implied that I have anal sex w/ my own son...so yeah I GOT THE FUCKER BANNED!

It seems you're the only one here who has a problem with it. Tell me, how's it feel to be the lonely boy?

Fuck the Fucking Fuck, I've already expressed how i feel about children, anyone that even implies someting like that is fucking sick, glad he's gone.

Greg you seem like a great dad sorry someone would say something like that...