did someone mention "worst thread ever"?

At least COB fans are somewhat entertaining...many of the arguments on the GMD are more akin to watching monkeys hurl their feces at one another.

Since everybody seems to be doing it, here's my vote for moron thread of the week: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140068 It's more of a potentially good thread wasted, as the hilarity doesn't really pick up until hlafway through.
whoa! really great sigs in that SOT-thread... i don't understand who people who post alot, because it's often them who do it, like having HUGE pics in their signature, i mean most people with an iq exceeding that of a pair of wooden clogs would realize after some time that it makes browsing and reading threads pretty FIOCIUCKING ANNOYING arghgh :mad:
that one with the edited magic-cards would do really well on my top 10 of most pathetic sig-pictures hrrr
Dude, the thread you quoted is hillarious. This guy, AllWithinMyMonster, is fuelled by so much hatred that not only is flowing, it's pissing down. Here are some of his comments (Consider this the trailer of the thread) -

You're not a woman? Could of fooled me. I wish your mother supported abortion during her gestation period with your ugly ass
You're not a black man. Well atleast not from the waist down
You gilly gayleppsies need to fucking open your eyes and not your butt cracks and realize that these gays must be stopped before our country is demoralized to ashes.
He sounds familiar to someone I know. I wonder who ?? :)
Those quotes are hilarious but as a whole I thought that thread was uber shit. Can't believe how fucking retarded some people can be!
None_So_Vile said:
Damn well said anonymousnick :) I bow to your post
xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
:worship: That's what I've been attempting to say in all glory, but I can't seem to put it in those words. Awesome post Anonymous.
TB666 said:
Well said Anonymous, I agree with you 100%.
The Maelstrom Mephisto said:
And Anonymous, that was a very well crafted response.
Erik said:
You're a fucking idiot, anonymous.
I fucking love this. :lol:
"Some people are really fuckin' STUPID!" - George Carlin

i would say that i will no longer make excursions to the ignoance pit that is GMD... i would if i could stop laughing!

seriously, statements don't get much more comical than this:

anonymousnick2001 said:
I can't see why people prefer the gr1m tr00 black metal over stuff like Dimmu Borgir, anyway. I mean, Mayhem's Live in Leipzeig is pretty cool, and Darkthrone kick ass...but they can't touch the melodic symphonic black metal, like early CoF or Old Man's Child or Borknagar or later Emperor or whatever.
Ohh fucking hell. I read through that whole thing, it made my head hurt by the end. The Anonymousnick poster was just pitiful. He states how he Loves darkthrone, yet mocks them in his signature. He has the audacity to state the way Black Metal should be, then attempt some psuedo bullshit crusade to redefine a genre to his personal likings. This guy gives me a migrane.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Ohh fucking hell. I read through that whole thing, it made my head hurt by the end. The Anonymousnick poster was just pitiful. He states how he Loves darkthrone, yet mocks them in his signature. He has the audacity to state the way Black Metal should be, then attempt some psuedo bullshit crusade to redefine a genre to his personal likings. This guy gives me a migrane.
He's also convinced he's the world's greatest vocalist. As you can tell he's very humble about his talents.....that's if he as any.:Smug:

Getting caught up in that thread would give me a headache from frustration.
Those types of endless arguments are common in the GMD, I'm definitely not a black metal elitist but that type of revisionist thinking leads to repeated errors in judgement, and people who refuse to admit they're wrong in Internet arguments are among by biggest pet peeves...