Did you see the new kemper updates

The parallel chain for Bass (well, for everyone) is going to be crazy useful, especially if we get some blending and output routing options to go with.
Ridiculous that they're not releasing it for Mac until later this year, at least in my part of the world Mac is what's used in almost every professional studio.
Yeah. I think every Kemper user is stoked about the rig manager, but it also seems like something that should have existed when the profiler launched a few years ago. You can, after all, open up a profile in a text editor and read a lot of the meta data so it can't be that hard to write basic software.
This is pretty much exactly what I wanted but like Egan said, this is LONG overdue. I've been using the unit for like 18 months at this point, really wish it had been out over a year ago.
Yea wtf. Oh well. I have bootcamp and windows 7 installed. I hate using it, but I can get by I guess until the rig manager comes out for mac.

Curious about the preview function as well. I guess you just hook the Kemper up to the computer with a usb cable. It says you hit spacebar to preview a rig. Does that just load it up so you can play it with your guitar? Or does it play some pre-determined di track?

What about the "reamping" enhancements? Seems like you should be able to record dry and re-amp without a di or reamp box. You can already do that with spdif right? Wonder what that's all aboot.
Ridiculous that they're not releasing it for Mac until later this year, at least in my part of the world Mac is what's used in almost every professional studio.

Doesn't seem that ridiculous to me. Why should their priority be professional studios? It's not a recording/mixing plug-in.

The ridiculous part is that it took them so long to make it.
Ridiculous that they're not releasing it for Mac until later this year, at least in my part of the world Mac is what's used in almost every professional studio.

I think it's safe to say that the majority of Kemper users aren't working in pro studios...
Pardon my ignorance, but what makes a Mac so much better than a PC? I've only used Mac's of my friends and honestly always hated the setup. But I'm a biased Windows user since like 1993, so yeah.....

Couldn't each system technically be tweaked and spec'd to be on par with each other?
i do work in my dayjob on apple mac since the last like 15years or so and those are indeed great working machines that rarely crashes, dtp and graphicsoftware like adobe stuff works (in my opinion) much better on mac than on pc (performance wise) AND, you dont need a firewall and antivirus for internet.. and in my opion Mac OS is cleaner and more reliable built than Windows.

but at home i´m a bloody minded pc guy, lol. i cannot imagine putting out so much money for a mac when i can have a very powerful pc for the fractal of costs of a mac.. the only thing is i need to limit myself to keep my pc software and system outdated, never update and dont hook up onto the internet (at least for my studiocomputer) and still this system works good and flawlessly after years, i cannot say this for any window machine that is connected to the internet, somehow those get constantly slower and slower, this defintly doesnt happen on mac.

anyway.. i´m curious about the rig manager as well and the new firmware. yay :)