New Kemper Amps - Profiling Amplifier

I saw a video from NAMM(?) a while back about these. Guy had some Fender amp mic'd up, running it into the Profiler amp, played some riffage and "captured" the tone of the Fender. The profiler basically simulates as closely as possible any tone coming into it, I guess? Pretty cool.....
Serious GAS, this looks very practical, and the samples in the videos are actually damn good.
I think they'll need to look at cosmetics first though, it looks like some hospital/lab equipment!!

too true...

This seems amazing though! Listened to the matchless demo, at first I wasn't impressed but after the second profiling I couldn't tell which was which! :eek:
Here is a preliminary list of Amplifiers they had the chance to profile:

Soldano Lead 50
Soldano SLO 100
Bogner Ecstasy
BadCat Combo
Fuchs Overdrive Supreme
Custom Audio OD 100
Marshall JCM 800
Vox AC30
Orange RockVerb
Mesa Boogie Roadking
60s Princeton (by Tyler)
65 London
div. Bassman Amps
Jtm 45
69 Fender Twin
81 Fender Twin
Fender DeLuxe
Boogie Mk II and III
Ampeg Combo

Stay tuned for updates and info :kickass: