Die Tookie Die bitch

You know it is nice that he became active against gangs blah blah. But..what good has it really done? His two songs are in prison or going to prison, guess they didn't read their fathers books. Maybe he is honest in his reform but guess what motherfucker, you killed some people, now you suffer the consequences. That is life, and law.

Also, this guy never apologized for any of his actions. Better make some peace with God if he is listening..
if he's reformed, that's great, but i REALLY doubt it.
it's easy to get 'reformed' in prison, especially if that reformation might be the difference between life and death for you.

it's like prison religion. a lot of guys 'find God' in prison, but the moment they get free, they abandon anything resembling Christian behavior. :err:

the prison officials dealing with Tookie Williams say he's anything but 'reformed.' he's been charged with raping other inmates, throwing feces and urine at guards, etc...
yeah... he should be out on the streets, influencing kids.

he committed 4 murders and those victims and their families are the ones who should have activists standing up for them... not Tookie Williams.
he is saying what he has to say (pretending) to get himself out of the death can....it really did sicken me to see people advocating for this guy. Total scumbag.
the NAACP has gotten involved. what do you think the chances are of riots breaking out after the execution, in 'protest' of 'racial intolerance'?

nothing says, 'we shall overcome' like a new TV and a new pair of Air Jordans.
I posted this elsewhere too but thought it fits in here also.

Good for Ahhhnold, Tookie's clemency has been denied. This man took the lives of 4 innocent people. He had no concerns with sentencing them to death. He played judge, jury and executioner, and now that the tables are turned, he is begging for his life. I think that it is repulsive, that people are more concerned with his rights. What about the rights of the people's lives he decided were over? What about the rights of their families? Sometimes it is just too late for regrets, and I believe that Tookie should face his death and be thankful it is more humane than the death he sentenced those 4 people too.
MyHatred said:
I posted this elsewhere too but thought it fits in here also.

Good for Ahhhnold, Tookie's clemency has been denied. This man took the lives of 4 innocent people. He had no concerns with sentencing them to death. He played judge, jury and executioner, and now that the tables are turned, he is begging for his life. I think that it is repulsive, that people are more concerned with his rights. What about the rights of the people's lives he decided were over? What about the rights of their families? Sometimes it is just too late for regrets, and I believe that Tookie should face his death and be thankful it is more humane than the death he sentenced those 4 people too.

the tough guy has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court. they've got 6 hours to stop it, but after that, it's all over.

i just saw some news footage with a few nutjobs having a 'sit-in' outside the prison fence.
i'm sure that'll change a lot.

i also saw one idiot with a sign that said: 'STOP THE RACIST DEATH PENALTY!!'
ok... so which racist death penalty are they talking about?
Williams killed one white guy and a Taiwanese family. is he the racist, or is it only racist when a black guy is executed for his crimes?
If he gets clemency- I am going to Quit music and start a radio talk show to try and WAKE up this dumb fucking people in AMERICA.
Go to Micheal Savages website and look at the murder scene.
No bullshit- He don't die- I quit
Buzzard said:
If he gets clemency- I am going to Quit music and start a radio talk show to try and WAKE up this dumb fucking people in AMERICA.
Go to Micheal Savages website and look at the murder scene.
No bullshit- He don't die- I quit
Thats a bold statment Bill, all they need is 4 liberal judges to fix that.

So anyway, Im staying up for the party, gonna burn a big fatty and think about what a wonderfull country we live in that we kill the fuckers who kill us.. Pay back is a bitch.,
the Supreme Court has denied his appeal.
he dies in about 5 hours.

no quitting for you, Billy. back to work! ;)
I thought that was so awesome that Ahnold made the dumb-shit actually think he might get clemency...hahaha....

Burn, motherfucker, burn...

"Stinky Stinky, peuh peuh peuh...wasn't hilly, billy, jilly or pa , just a stinky french fry named Delacroix..."
