Diecast-Tearing Down Your Blue Skies


Rosso Drago
Apr 30, 2005
Blountsville, AL
I first heard Diecast from the Century Media sampler CD included with my copy of "The War Within". I found Medieval to be a truly awesome track; especially during the heavy pause-riffs of the song (when the vocalist starts saying "I'll bide my time!") This kind of heavy riff is also implemented in Fire/ Damage" and "Pendulum". You can also find similar elements in just about every other song by Diecast. Therefore, if you like Medieval, you're bound to like everything else!

There is also a melodious, harmonic singing implemented in the song, which isn't seen as often, but is implemented at just the right point. All the songs share a certain similarity, but aren't so similar that you'll become bored of them.

This is a definite recommendation.
If you like Medieval, then be sure to pick up "Day of Reckoning", too. :headbang: