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Dies Irae
The Sin War
Metal Blade Records
Im afraid that Ive been slacking off, and in a good way. Ive enjoyed this release so much, that I spent more time listening to it, than actually writing about it! To be honest, Ive never found all that much strict death metal that I liked, save a few bands. This is to be included proudly into my collection, and one of the truly standout bands in this genre. Which should come as no surprise, because two of its members are from Vader. Mauser on guitars, Doc on drums. And from that you will easily surmise that you are getting quality. Novy on Bass and vocs is from Behemoth, and Hiro, on guitars, is from Sceptic. Quite the pedigree--it makes for a supreme mix.
The guitars have hooks and use scales fiercely--each riff grinds into your skull. Which is a why I like this, its wide open, and not every second is filled with sound or distortion. This is a methodical assault, with purpose and infinite skill. I felt stalked and trapped, and I liked it! The guitars for this genre are outstanding, building upon each other, and clearly heard. They may use scales with ease, but they build with such careful deliberation that you feel like youre being watched. Playing off you and your subconscious fears. Bating you, and then ultimately grabbing you by your throat. Youre spellbound, in awe, and caught in a trap of winding paths. Thats amazing guitar work, the kind that puts chills in your blackened heart! The vocals are death metal style, but are delivered with seething hatred, and understandable. Occasionally some distortion is put on them to torque them, tweak an already disturbed sound. And a little gurgling. Now we all know I love gurgling in the death metal delivery, and two songs have it. For this style, they are (the vocals) some of the best Ive heard in a long time. The trippy thing about this band, is that being that song structure is more open, you actually get to hear some of the bassists sick rumblings. I really get into that--this is not your average death metal band. The drumming is absolutely beastly--phenomenal work. Depends on the song, youll get exactly what you deserve, exactly whats needed. The production isnt messed with too much, I dont feel or hear too much overlaying of either vocals or riffs, I get the impression what you hear is exactly the way they laid it down. It sounds crystal clear, at any volume level. The song structure is straightforward, but you may get many riffs that run into and out of many solos, and just be aware youre gonna get your ass beat. With purpose, integrity, and with deliberate malicious intent. There is also beauty in this beast, and its shown off flawlessly in the guitar section.
Since Im nearly and still speechless, these are some notes on each song. I dont feel I can do this release the justice it richly deserves, but I will try.
1) Comrade of Death--The air raid sirens wail, setting the tone for the disc. Drums start the song to a nearly inhuman beat. The vocals absolutely snarl, and are nicely vicious. Guitars are mind boggling, swirling in and out.
2) Incantation of Evil--This one forces you to head bang, and nod your head in approval. You think to yourself, oh yeah, this is what its all about. But its incredibly harsh as well, the time changes are very much like Van Williams of Nevermore--but imagine him on crack in a death metal band. And thats not even close to what this drummer can do. The guitars do remind me a bit of Nevermores approach in its epic qualities--reminiscent of them is all. Not a clone by any stretch of the imagination.
3) Internal Wars--Doomsday sounding guitars start this one off, the malicious, evil intentions becoming more apparent with each song. This one deliberately slithers along, with dripping bass lines. Drums and bass punctuate the lyrics, making this have a feel of an ultra tight unit. The vocals strain at the top of the death metal register. Then the sinister bridge leads into a beautiful and blistering solo. Incredible fade out, thats so evil you feel the hair rise on the back of your neck.
4) Horde of Angry Demons--As the name suggests, this is an ass beater. You asked for it! You get it with this one! The drums are the fastest on this song, white hot scales with the guitars, relentless riffing. Does take a breather, and hits the doomsday realm. But always comes back to punish the listener. Has several solos, and you would be amazed at the intensity.
5) Infinity--Nice growling, and this song exhibits the tweaking in the vocs that make it sound straight from motherfuckin hell. Driving and relentless song, ball crushing, ear shattering. Your blackened heart will awake.
6) Genocide Generation--Sinister driving riffs, pummeling you. This feels so thrashy, and its a welcome change in song structure. Fiery guitar scales lay on top of those pummeling riffs. And youre left humbled. Again, thinking, This is what I listen to metal for, this is what I search for.
Many ups and downs that are down right brutal, escalating, and then de-escalating.
7) The Truth--Dual guitar harmonies start this one off with the inhuman origin drumming. The vocals strain at the top of the register, yet still vicious and snarling. One of the fastest solos Ive ever heard is contained here, harkening back to the speed metal era. But brilliance shines through, and its not all speed, but epic proportion guitar work. Great fade out.
8) Beyond Sensual--What a cool song title, and the beginning of this one is so sinister, building to a groove laden basher. Song builds to demolish everything that has come before it. Am I putting this on a pedestal? Maybe. But this is another epic proportion song, full of every element that you would crave from a death metal release. The fade out is a deliciously evil growl/snarl.
9) Another Being Wasted--Many ups and downs in the time changes make this an unusual song. A complete doomsday number that has no vocals for well over a minute. Everything is spacious and allowed to be heard and appreciated before the next wall of terror hits you.
10) Nine Angels--Pure passion and intensity is contained on this metal gem. Grinding into you, every listen it gets better--but there is no relief from the gooseflesh that raises on you. Again, you headbang and search madly for tour dates. Only know, this band may never be seen in the U.S., sadly. Another epic proportion song, that as a finale to the disc is superb and flawless. Ends with careful and beautiful guitar tones, slowly fading out.
Ive heard countless death metal releases this year. I was bitterly disappointed in the vast majority of them, but I find this to be utter perfection in this genre. The sheer evil of it, the weight of the guitars, the phenomenal drumming. The understandable vocal delivery, and bass lines that ooze from each song. What more could you want?! I dont know, if this doesnt satisfy you, nothing will. Youre lost.
* * * * *
NOTE: The lyrics take a think for yourself tone, and are not necessarily satanic. But a few references are made, and you can draw and take away from it what you will.
Dies Irae
The Sin War
Metal Blade Records
Im afraid that Ive been slacking off, and in a good way. Ive enjoyed this release so much, that I spent more time listening to it, than actually writing about it! To be honest, Ive never found all that much strict death metal that I liked, save a few bands. This is to be included proudly into my collection, and one of the truly standout bands in this genre. Which should come as no surprise, because two of its members are from Vader. Mauser on guitars, Doc on drums. And from that you will easily surmise that you are getting quality. Novy on Bass and vocs is from Behemoth, and Hiro, on guitars, is from Sceptic. Quite the pedigree--it makes for a supreme mix.
The guitars have hooks and use scales fiercely--each riff grinds into your skull. Which is a why I like this, its wide open, and not every second is filled with sound or distortion. This is a methodical assault, with purpose and infinite skill. I felt stalked and trapped, and I liked it! The guitars for this genre are outstanding, building upon each other, and clearly heard. They may use scales with ease, but they build with such careful deliberation that you feel like youre being watched. Playing off you and your subconscious fears. Bating you, and then ultimately grabbing you by your throat. Youre spellbound, in awe, and caught in a trap of winding paths. Thats amazing guitar work, the kind that puts chills in your blackened heart! The vocals are death metal style, but are delivered with seething hatred, and understandable. Occasionally some distortion is put on them to torque them, tweak an already disturbed sound. And a little gurgling. Now we all know I love gurgling in the death metal delivery, and two songs have it. For this style, they are (the vocals) some of the best Ive heard in a long time. The trippy thing about this band, is that being that song structure is more open, you actually get to hear some of the bassists sick rumblings. I really get into that--this is not your average death metal band. The drumming is absolutely beastly--phenomenal work. Depends on the song, youll get exactly what you deserve, exactly whats needed. The production isnt messed with too much, I dont feel or hear too much overlaying of either vocals or riffs, I get the impression what you hear is exactly the way they laid it down. It sounds crystal clear, at any volume level. The song structure is straightforward, but you may get many riffs that run into and out of many solos, and just be aware youre gonna get your ass beat. With purpose, integrity, and with deliberate malicious intent. There is also beauty in this beast, and its shown off flawlessly in the guitar section.
Since Im nearly and still speechless, these are some notes on each song. I dont feel I can do this release the justice it richly deserves, but I will try.
1) Comrade of Death--The air raid sirens wail, setting the tone for the disc. Drums start the song to a nearly inhuman beat. The vocals absolutely snarl, and are nicely vicious. Guitars are mind boggling, swirling in and out.
2) Incantation of Evil--This one forces you to head bang, and nod your head in approval. You think to yourself, oh yeah, this is what its all about. But its incredibly harsh as well, the time changes are very much like Van Williams of Nevermore--but imagine him on crack in a death metal band. And thats not even close to what this drummer can do. The guitars do remind me a bit of Nevermores approach in its epic qualities--reminiscent of them is all. Not a clone by any stretch of the imagination.
3) Internal Wars--Doomsday sounding guitars start this one off, the malicious, evil intentions becoming more apparent with each song. This one deliberately slithers along, with dripping bass lines. Drums and bass punctuate the lyrics, making this have a feel of an ultra tight unit. The vocals strain at the top of the death metal register. Then the sinister bridge leads into a beautiful and blistering solo. Incredible fade out, thats so evil you feel the hair rise on the back of your neck.
4) Horde of Angry Demons--As the name suggests, this is an ass beater. You asked for it! You get it with this one! The drums are the fastest on this song, white hot scales with the guitars, relentless riffing. Does take a breather, and hits the doomsday realm. But always comes back to punish the listener. Has several solos, and you would be amazed at the intensity.
5) Infinity--Nice growling, and this song exhibits the tweaking in the vocs that make it sound straight from motherfuckin hell. Driving and relentless song, ball crushing, ear shattering. Your blackened heart will awake.
6) Genocide Generation--Sinister driving riffs, pummeling you. This feels so thrashy, and its a welcome change in song structure. Fiery guitar scales lay on top of those pummeling riffs. And youre left humbled. Again, thinking, This is what I listen to metal for, this is what I search for.
Many ups and downs that are down right brutal, escalating, and then de-escalating.
7) The Truth--Dual guitar harmonies start this one off with the inhuman origin drumming. The vocals strain at the top of the register, yet still vicious and snarling. One of the fastest solos Ive ever heard is contained here, harkening back to the speed metal era. But brilliance shines through, and its not all speed, but epic proportion guitar work. Great fade out.
8) Beyond Sensual--What a cool song title, and the beginning of this one is so sinister, building to a groove laden basher. Song builds to demolish everything that has come before it. Am I putting this on a pedestal? Maybe. But this is another epic proportion song, full of every element that you would crave from a death metal release. The fade out is a deliciously evil growl/snarl.
9) Another Being Wasted--Many ups and downs in the time changes make this an unusual song. A complete doomsday number that has no vocals for well over a minute. Everything is spacious and allowed to be heard and appreciated before the next wall of terror hits you.
10) Nine Angels--Pure passion and intensity is contained on this metal gem. Grinding into you, every listen it gets better--but there is no relief from the gooseflesh that raises on you. Again, you headbang and search madly for tour dates. Only know, this band may never be seen in the U.S., sadly. Another epic proportion song, that as a finale to the disc is superb and flawless. Ends with careful and beautiful guitar tones, slowly fading out.
Ive heard countless death metal releases this year. I was bitterly disappointed in the vast majority of them, but I find this to be utter perfection in this genre. The sheer evil of it, the weight of the guitars, the phenomenal drumming. The understandable vocal delivery, and bass lines that ooze from each song. What more could you want?! I dont know, if this doesnt satisfy you, nothing will. Youre lost.
* * * * *
NOTE: The lyrics take a think for yourself tone, and are not necessarily satanic. But a few references are made, and you can draw and take away from it what you will.