Diezel D-Moll playthrough


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
I was bored today. Was going to do an amp comparison, but I couldn't quite muster up the enthusiasm. I may do that tomorrow. What I did do though is run the Diezel D-Moll through its paces a little bit.


I used some Hardwire Chorus and Hardwire Supernatural in the FX loop for a few tones. A spread of cleans, crunches, heavy stuff, and rolled back volume stuff as well.

Drums are BFD3. Song is all improvised on the spot, hence it doesn't really go anywhere... but it's serviceable enough to demo the amp!
I loved musical approach on that post-rock feel. Although I'm fan of more tight tones and wanted to hear how it sounds with TS.
I plan to do more videos. I'll do one that demonstrates an 808 in front of it. Although personally I prefer it without - I use my 808 just to remove low-end and crunch up my clean tones slightly, but only when using the neck pickup!
I plan to do more videos. I'll do one that demonstrates an 808 in front of it. Although personally I prefer it without - I use my 808 just to remove low-end and crunch up my clean tones slightly, but only when using the neck pickup!

I like TS for boosted mids and actually I read in Architects mixingtime topic someone used 4x TS before amp (at start I thought that's a joke) and than I tried 2x TS but had to tweak them right to have good relation between TS and between amp.

You can see effect on mix I did with LOG - Redneck (Soundcloud made it worse, but you probably get the idea)
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