Difference between ESP models?


Dec 1, 2005
I am looking to purchase a guitar within the next few weeks/months depending on if I can find something that I truly like the feel of. I am mainly looking for a "studio" guitar so I don't really want to take it out live too much if possible. I should say that I have a little bit of money saved up so I'm looking to get an ESP model guitar (I've always wanted to have one) and possibly a tube head (looking at Mesa, H&K, 5101). I have a PRS that I really do love but since I'm playing almost all metal these days I figured I should make this move. Yes I know I should keep the PRS for later on down the road, blah blah.

I live about 5 hours away from a shop that sells ESP guitars so I am really trying to narrow it down to a few choices so that I can play each one a good amount and compare them. The problem I have run into is that I'm not sure the differences between two guitars I have looked at. The two guitars in question are the

Eclipse II Standard ( http://www.guitarshop.net/especlipse2standardguitar.htm )

and the

LTD EC-1000 ( http://www.guitarshop.net/espec1000stbc.htm ).

I have looked at the specs and they seem to be almost identical. I think I remember reading or hearing somewhere that the cheaper version is just made in China then sent over here for a lookover? Either that or the cheaper one is machine made?

I believe something like this to be the case since they really do seem to have almost the same specs from what I could see and read. So if anyone could clarify this up, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks a lot guys!
The LTDs are made in Korea, and in 2004 and 2005, they have really stepped up the quality of the top end LTDs to where they are competetive with ESP's offerings. I own 4 high end LTDs and one ESP, and I love them all.

If you get an LTD, get something from the 400 or 1000 series, or the 2005 anniversarry. Those are all excellent, anything lower end than that and you will have a really crappy guitar.
Have any sound clips? Any other had any experience with these guitars? Where are they located?
there out of new jersey.there stuff is made overseas.I own three of the guitars/basses.All really really great stuff