difference between high and low volume on miced amp

Calippo Tecks

Feb 6, 2005
Tried the search function, but didn't really get me anywhere.
Since I record my stuff at home and can't really krank it up too loud, I wonder what the difference is between a miced amp at medium to high volume with same settings/mic position.
I tried this before myself but didn't notice any difference at all, so I wonder how much difference it makes on extreme levels that I can't do at home :lol:

If anyone tested this before or would like to...
or could direct me to a thread where they already did this.
When the source is louder, theres more speaker movement and dynamics, more of the tubes are being used. What amp and levels are you using.
you know i always have this argument with myself. surely an amp pushing air into the cab sounds great. but sometimes it's weird an amp sounds good at lower volumes. it really depends on the situation i guess. once in a while i get good results with an amp at low volumes.

most modern amps sound really good at low volumes actually but when it comes to recording and a microphone they sound great turned up. with modern amps you don't have to push the power amp much to get good saturation but if you wanna hear magic you can roll off on gain and just crank the master output and it sounds really good but it needs to be very pushed. everything varies though and i said just before, sometimes you can leave it at moderate or even low volumes and it sounds better.
I think it was Lasse, might have been JeffTD (apologize if I misremember) that did a thread with takes and volumes set between 1-8. Pretty consistently the consensus was that the clips sounded best somewhere around 3 on the master volume. There's a sweet spot for articulation and woomf you just have to fiddle to find it as it depends on the amp, the tubes and how they've been biased, mic and mic distance.
NSGuitar's newest mix he used a 5150 with a post-gain of 6! lol. I think I read somewhere Andy usually reamps at 3... but I could be wrong. I think it's about finding what sounds good for the amp and where it usually starts saturating the tubes and coloring the sound. It also depends on your speakers in the cab, the cab itself, the room it's mic'd in, the mic, etc. I guess use your ears, and turn it up as loud as you can without your neighbors calling the cops. lol
Thanks for the replies everyone.
I use a Fireball 100, Mesa Roadster and a Krankenstein prototype, all 100 watts, going through my Framus 4x12 or my own made 1x12.
Hopefully I can do some tests on really loud volumes one of these days, I'll definitely post the results over here.
I remember I did this a few months ago but not on extreme levels and I actually didn't notice any difference at all, I guess I have to krank it up some more.
Also my room is shit, 200x300 but I don't have another option atm.