Differences in Opeth logo

..I'm not talking about the inverted cross logo or the one Mikael drew, but, the logo they have now. I noticed that the Opeth "O" on Orchid, Morningrise, and MAYH all have 3 of those little taily things that have the circles that get smaller. You know.. those little things on the left side and the one on the top? And then if you look at Still Life and everything they have their logo on after that, they have the little circlely thing on the top and the one on the left side. And the lower one on the left is now just like a half circle thing with none of those others circles that get smaller. And I also noticed on my Deliverance poster that theres this extra piece that comes off the long tail of the "O" where it meets the "P." I've only seen this on that poster though. Anybody else here notice these things???
Hey Night, I was only kidding :P. I think I MIGHT see what you mean. I think it might just be from poor digital editing, I guess they shrunk it down enough to make the tiny little O's not appear.
Still Death said:
No shit, who really cares, the logo rules no matter what little circley dealies are going on.
Exactly WHERE did I say that the logo didnt "rule." ??

deliverance said:
i just looked at the logos from Orchid all the way to Damnation, and all are 100 percent identical, and yes, that is after careful inspection of the booklets.
Look again.. be more careful

Nuk3m said:
Its Opeth! Their music speaks for them not their fucking logo
Holy shit man.. you people really make me laugh. I was simply pointing out a slight difference in the LOGO.

ChrisEmerson said:
for fucks sake, did you read the post? he didnt say 'the logos are different, so that must mean thier music is crap' or anything like that. hes just pointing out something interesting.

theres too many wankers on this board.
Thank-you.. I totally agree. There are too many people here that are just waiting for the opportunity to flame you for some dumb reason. Must fill them with some sort of satisfaction I suppose.