different sports you like to watch


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
What I mean by different is, not the typical football,soccer,hockey,baseball,basketball,etc.

Anyways, I enjoy watching footbag(hackysack) videos on youtube.
I enjoy watching parkour and martial arts occasionally. I like Kung Fu a lot. And I watch Aikido as well.
I used to watch Ninja Warrior a lot. But for some reason I stopped getting G4. Japan has some difficult game shows. Like Human Tetris (or something like that) and Unbeatable Banzukei.
I watch MMA (Pride, UFC, EXC, DREAM etc) and snooker and thats pretty much it. They cancelled the channel from my "channel package" that airs snooker in Sweden and I only recently found out they air it live from their website so Im not updated on the most recent events.