different sports you like to watch

Racing is for annoying rednecks. I wish NASCAR would disband so I don't have to see some thick-accented retard talk about how his car ran well every night on ESPN. It's so fucking boring.

I notice that is how basketball and nascar are, well ....we playede well......Um my car ran well, I took a chance.

Boxing? I like smaller quick fighters the best, I like watching them turn each others faces into hamburger in a hurry.
I play a lot when I'm not in school. Unfortunately, being short, chubby and white, I can't do anything but shoot.

I love to watch basketball, but I'm not going to be too keen on it this year, as the Mavs are going to suck again.
Except basketball is actually interesting as opposed to a bunch of people turning left for 3 hours. I turn left all the time, yet for some reason no one wants to watch me.

You just need one of them nice helmets they have. :)

I don't like basketball much, but that was just something I noticed, they never can tell that ....well we had a plan, play, saw this and saw that weakness. I know that's because the game is so high scoring, but still.