Dig this fascist bullshit


Apr 15, 2004
Towards Vikingity
This is the story:

2 weeks ago me and some buddies booked tickets to the Ensiferum show due today. €10 for an Ensiferum tichet, that's not too shabby at all. We drive up there, 1,5 hours, battle through the city's traffic chaos, and kill two people in our quest of finding a parking space.
When we FINALLY get tp the venue at about 16:35, the guy standing by the door asks us if we have an entry stamp. We say "No, but we booked our tickets."
Then the guy responds "That's too bad, you should have picked them up before 16:30. We put them on sale just five minutes ago, and now they are all sold out. Tough luck." Fucking tough luck indeed. We went away, yelled "Fucking gaybar!" and drove another 1,5 hrs home. For jack shit.
I hope the venue burns down to the ground. Seriously.
We plan on driving in a truck or two loaded with dung and dead goldfishes in the near future.
Install a windmill in front of that truck! Oh, and instead of fishes load it with tullips :loco:
Were you told, when you booked the tickets, that you were supposed to be there before 16h30?

If not, you shouldn't have just driven away. You should have insisted a little harder, to say the least.
well, it said before 16:30. We were late. But we didn't think they were gonna be such assholes about it....the sold all booked tickets within 5 minutes, i ask you...
It might be a bit..we should've left a bit earlier. But the story continues:
I got this reply to my angry e-mail, in which they stated that they regretted they way things went down.
I mailed them back, saying I overreacted a bit due to Ensiferum being very dear to me and blahblah shit
Now they gave me two tickets for this small festival kinda thing they're organising later this month headlining Naglfar & Finntroll :p

Morale of the story: ALways complain, then people give you free shit :lol:
heh, so some kind of happy ending.... but i really wonder how they could have sold all the tickets within 5 minutes and especially for this ensiferum-gig. we went to one in essen,germany lately and no fucking dude was there. it wasn't packed at all. so i guess the dutch people are a bit more fond of the ensiferum-guys than the germans are ;)
I just heard yesterday that some girls bought some ticks at a record store at about 17:00. Bastards.

But still. If anyone wants to come, lemme know :p
Heavenscent said:
It might be a bit..we should've left a bit earlier. But the story continues:
I got this reply to my angry e-mail, in which they stated that they regretted they way things went down.
I mailed them back, saying I overreacted a bit due to Ensiferum being very dear to me and blahblah shit
Now they gave me two tickets for this small festival kinda thing they're organising later this month headlining Naglfar & Finntroll :p

Morale of the story: ALways complain, then people give you free shit :lol:

u're going to that finntroll gig by yourself? cause if you need someone to go to that gig for you, i will give a perfect report later :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
what an honor for me to hear that the almighty heavenscent wants MY soul&body AND wants to go to a gig with me. I'm forever yours, baby! ;)