Digi001, useful or crap?

May 12, 2005
Im still hunting for a good interface for the new studio since our bastard drummer disappeared with our old one when he left the band.
Since we'll be doing most of the mixing in "real" studios we're looking for something pro-tools compatible and the Digi001 comes to mind, since you can get them for no money at all right now.
Together with an ALESIS converter we seem to get a pretty good package.

I know that some of you out there has used it so my question is; is it worth using it to record a record with, what problems might we encounter using an 001 instead of digging deeper into our savings and getting a 002?

What differs the 001 and 002 while recording with an external mixingdesk?

Is it possible to upgrade the 001 to protools le7,0?

Many questions but if you'll take your time to answer them I'd be grateful.
I've never used one but you can't upgrade past 6.4

However there is a crack if you use it on a PC that will allow you to run the TDM version of ProTools on an LE system including the 001, 002 or MBox...version 6.7-6.9 It's called TDMThing or PT TDMLE
If you're using it for tracking only then you should get 5.3.1. I've heard it's the fastest version of LE for tracking and I can tell you from experience that it's faster than 6.4. I really miss 5.3.1 and almost regret having upgraded except that I needed the upgrade to run Drumagog.

Go for the 001 w/ 5.3.1 IMO.
As far as I know pretty much everything is better in the 002R compared to the 001, and it might be nice to be able to upgrade in the future. Getting a used 002R isn't that expensive nowaydays I think.

001 user here. Other issues with the 001 are you cannot upgrade to the current mac OS as well. Panther, Jaguar, Pussy, whatever it's called with ProTools LE 6.4, which means you are stuck using the box and the last OS. I only use my G4 for recording, and since the 001 is actually a great box, I have no issues with it or the OS. A buddy got a rude awakening when he upgraded his OS and his 001 was noncompliant. GREAT sounding interface by the way. If I were going to buy today, I would definitely go with a 002...

Hope that helps...

Humm... Lots of great input here...
It seems like the 002 is the way to go then, too bad that they're hard to get hold of here in Sweden unless you want to buy a new one and my budget won't allow that just now.
I've seen a bunch of 'em at vendolin.se over the last couple of months. You should be able to track down a used one. Lycka till!
How is the digi001 compared to the m-audio interfaces? is it any better? I am upgrading my home recording gear and since I've this friend in a studio where they use protools, I would like to have something that would be compatible with his system to be able to mix some of the bands that get recorded there. Is this rack any good or not worth it at all? I've been reading mixed reviews about it...
I also use the 001 on a PC(Pentium4)! Most people told me it wouldn't work so well, but I didn't have any bigger problems so far. I think it's a good way to learn how to work with ProTools, espacially if you can't effort much money. The Mic pre's are ok. It also works fine with Cubase and Nuendo(at least on my system). But if I had enough money I would buy a 002 or a 002 Rack.

Nostalgiaplatz said:
How is the digi001 compared to the m-audio interfaces? is it any better? I am upgrading my home recording gear and since I've this friend in a studio where they use protools, I would like to have something that would be compatible with his system to be able to mix some of the bands that get recorded there. Is this rack any good or not worth it at all? I've been reading mixed reviews about it...

Just because guy X has Pro Tools doesn't mean you can't use something else and still share files with him.

Any DAW software worth a shit can export/bounce tracks out to mono wave files. As long as they all have the same start time, you can pull them into ANY other DAW software program and work with them. If you pull them into a decent program and the first program time-stamped them, then they don't even have to all start at the same position. You can tell them to go to their original time positions and they will all line up.

But - to get back to the original question, I found the 002 converters to suck shit when I tried them. I can't imagine the 001 would be better since it's an older product.

In fact - when we hooked a Behringer ADA-8000 up to the ADAT side of the 002 and used two channels on the Behringer to monitor the mix the whole thing sounded A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER.

In my opinion, the M-Audio converters would be a HUGE step up from either the 001 or 002. And MOTU or RME would be another step up from there.

hourglass said:
In fact - when we hooked a Behringer ADA-8000 up to the ADAT side of the 002 and used two channels on the Behringer to monitor the mix the whole thing sounded A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER.


Can't believe it! Behringer?:OMG:
Thanks man!

Pitty, I thought they were really good, being that it's a digidesign thing. What is the cheapest and quality-assured recording equipment from digidesign aside from digi/mbox things?