Digital Performer vs. Pro Tools., and interface questions.


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Which do you prefer and why?? I know lots of you dig DP. I would just like to learn more about each so I can make an educated decision before shelling out cash.
Also, say I use DP and don't have a MOTU interface, DP would still work with other Firewire boxes like the Presonus Firebox right?? That is the main interface that I'm currently looking at, if you guys have any reccomendations for a better interface, let me know. Right now I will only be recording a few miced guitar tracks, so I can learn the ropes of mic placement and the like.

Also, what are some decent monitors that you guys would reccomend?? I was checking out the Samson Resolv 65a, and the KRK RP8s. Thanks.

I'm pretty sure you can run it without a MOTU interface, I'm sure James is typing away about that right now though. :)

Personally I dig ProTools but only because I haven't messed around with DP enough so I'm not that familiar. Loads of people here seem to prefer it though and have switched.

Have you read many good reviews on those KRK's? A friend of mine was looking into them and was asking me if I'd heard much about them, so i'm also curious. He was looking at a pair on ebay in sealed boxes for $400.