dillinger excape plan

pause usually. generally have to know the song when it's this kind of stuff, but hey with enough planning it works just fine. :loco:
I still think they're overrated in spite of the fact that they're light years ahead of most -core, but I liked most of Miss Machine (didn't buy it though, my brother's a massive fan) and enjoyed their Gigantour set, need to see them in a proper setting.
Miss Machine pissed me off. I hate their new vocalist and their new hardcore style. I much prefer Calculating Infinity over that piece of crap (the jazz-like quality slays.) I also have to agree with Nad and Chromo on this one, "Irony is a Dead Scene" is fucking killer.
I have been getting into Miss Machine quite a lot lately, Setting Fire To Sleepintg Giants and Unretrofied are amazing songs, the rest are gonna take a lot more time, far to schizophrenic to absorb properly unless you're stoned off your nut, which is when I first started to like them.