Dimarzio Drop sonics Anygood?


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
ive got my finger on the trigger but cant decide if i should get the new D activator x's or the drop sonics. Im sick of the stock dimarzio's in my RGA321F and really wanna know what you guys think of these.

The drop sonics are good for lower tunings only... be it on a baritone or 7 string... I think anything C and lower you'll dig them... on the bridge pup, makes sure the bar side of the pup is nearer to the bridge...

I just got a couple for my 7 strings... they sounds leagues better over the stock pickups...
Well, we tune to C standard, and it isnt a baritone.... would that be alright, and i thought about the emgs...but i dont wanna go through the surgery plus i already have Emgs in my Explorer.
I always digged the way my D Activators treated the midrange on my Xiphos - 'Extra Smooth'? ¯\(°_o)/¯ Plus, it's got tons and tons of gain without sounding too noisy ¯\(°_o)/¯ It's a neck-thru so yeh...
However, EMG owns me now. That's what EMGs are supposed to do: Beat the shit out of every pup out there.

Edit: ¯\(°_o)/¯
string gauge is pretty light. 11-14-18-28-38-49. if Drop sonics arnt that great what is the best Passives for Death metal in the 80-120$ range, being in montana doesnt allow me to run down to guitar center and exchange any old pickup i want so i have to take peoples word on it and hope for the best. Sucks, That how i got stuck with a $1350 XXL cab that really isnt that good.
I have had no experience with D Sonics, although I've heard off many people they are great pickups.

I am a user of regular D Activators however and I would recommend them to anyone looking for an affordable passive pickup that offers nice high-gain sounds without the negativity that passive pickups advertised as 'high gain pickups' usually have. they sound quite clean and not overly scooped like a lot of those kinds of pickups, and still retain a lot of the overtones that Dimarzio is so famous for.

I couldn't be happier with the set I have, but they're in a big thick mahogany guitar be careful with your basswood.
The D Sonic sounds really cool to me. My personal Dimarzio favs are the Super Distortion and the D Activator. You may want to give the D Activator a test drive. At first I couldn't stand the D Activator and I actually took it shortly after I initially installed it in my Ibanez. I went back and listened to some clips I made with it though and thought it sounded really good so I put it back in. It has great output and is very bright and clean.