dimarzio tone zone clips?


Dec 28, 2010

good morning dudes.

if anyone has a guitar wit dimarzio TZ i would appreciate it if he could post a clip to see how it sounds.
just a rough mix or something with drums and bass. thank you!!! :)

I recorded the little sweep solo's at 1:40 and 1:56 with a Tone Zone. I have it mounted in the neck position though, which doesn't make that much sense as the sound is just too dark to use, but for this sweeping stuff it worked out pretty cool though.

Now I think of it, I did a live recording a couple of years back in Hungary and I totally forgot that I had this Tone Zone mounted into one of the guitars that I was using that show. At 4:32 you can hear me switching pickups, even for this single note stuff I think it just sounds way too dark haha.

Well, maybe now would be a good time to change it to the bridge position:grin:

Best regards, Ad
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well i will install the TZ on the bridge position so that not helps much.

but hell yeah you should put it on the bridge.
AFAIK John Petrucci used a Tone Zone in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck on his Ibanez guitars on Images and Words and Awake. Some of my favorite tones ever!
AFAIK John Petrucci used a Tone Zone in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck on his Ibanez guitars on Images and Words and Awake. Some of my favorite tones ever!

not exactly the one i want to get buy it's pretty good.

did he use it on all songs?
Steve's Special and Air Norton AFIK, I had a ToneZone that came stock on my PGM, I love the way it sounded on that guitar, sorry but no clips. I recently dropped a Deactivator on my custom RG, tuned to C with drop tuning. What kind of sound do you want to get out of it, though? That's very subjective, what's the rest of the rig, plan on doing a lot of lead work or just rhythm? What do you have as neck pickup? Gotta think about what's going to complement it, so it does not have a major volume/output difference whenever you switch it for leads.

AFAIK John Petrucci used a Tone Zone in the bridge and an Air Norton in the neck on his Ibanez guitars on Images and Words and Awake. Some of my favorite tones ever!


I&W was recorded with Tone Zone in the bridge and Humbucker from Hell in the neck.

Live in Japan tour saw Air Norton in the neck and Steve Special in the bridge.
I replaced a Breed in the neck and a Tonezone in the bridge for a set of calibrated Nailbombs. Mainly because I thought the Tonezone sounded a bit honky
I definitely prefer my Nailbomb in the neck compared to the Breed. It's more sensitive and has a better tone to it, loved it immediately.
I'm not 100% sure with my Nailbomb in the bridge compared to the Tonezone though. My cleans are much better with the Nailbombs. But I am not completely satisfied with my distortiontones yet.

I did a little comparison between Nailbombs, Breed and Tonezone, here it is: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/933491/Dimarzio VS. Bareknuckle.rar
You can check my soundclick too if you like. Every song earlier than Prelude are with Tonezone and Breed.