So I just bought this Ibanez RGA121 a couple of weeks ago:
The seller, a friend of mine, was kind enough to throw some DiMarzios in there (Crunch Lab/PAF 36 Anniversary), but I don't know if they're exactly my thing. I find myself missing the high-mid cut of the EMG 81 and the modern, hi-fi tone of the 60 I have in my SZ (the other guitar in the pic).
So here's the deal, tho: Actives won't fit unless I remove a little bit of wood off the guitar's pickup cavities and sand off a little off the bottom corners of the EMG's, so I'm thinking passives would be an option too.
I've particularly liked what I've heard of the DiMarzio Evolutions and the DiMarzio D-Activators when it comes to a cutting, modern pickups with emphasis on high-mids. I haven't tried them, tho, so I'm not 100% I'll be satisfied with them, and I'm pretty sure the EMG's will suite me just fine... but butchering the guitar is a bit intimidating, even if it's really not gonna be visible.
So what do you think? EMG 81/60, EMG 81X/60X, DiMarzio Evoltion set, DiMarzio D-Activator set, or maybe something else?
If anyone has comparison clips between any of these sets, that'd be nice.

The seller, a friend of mine, was kind enough to throw some DiMarzios in there (Crunch Lab/PAF 36 Anniversary), but I don't know if they're exactly my thing. I find myself missing the high-mid cut of the EMG 81 and the modern, hi-fi tone of the 60 I have in my SZ (the other guitar in the pic).
So here's the deal, tho: Actives won't fit unless I remove a little bit of wood off the guitar's pickup cavities and sand off a little off the bottom corners of the EMG's, so I'm thinking passives would be an option too.
I've particularly liked what I've heard of the DiMarzio Evolutions and the DiMarzio D-Activators when it comes to a cutting, modern pickups with emphasis on high-mids. I haven't tried them, tho, so I'm not 100% I'll be satisfied with them, and I'm pretty sure the EMG's will suite me just fine... but butchering the guitar is a bit intimidating, even if it's really not gonna be visible.
So what do you think? EMG 81/60, EMG 81X/60X, DiMarzio Evoltion set, DiMarzio D-Activator set, or maybe something else?
If anyone has comparison clips between any of these sets, that'd be nice.