Recommend me some pickups for my guitar.

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Just got an old Ibanez S470. It's pretty solid. I dig it. It sounds pretty dark and chunky.

Right now I have an 81/60 combo in there, and it sounds nice, but I want to try something new.

I want something that has a similar kinda vibe as the 81/60, but with more agression in the top-end and perhaps output levels more similar to the Het Set (meaning a touch more than the standard 81/60, but not to such extremes as the DiMarzio X2N either).

I can't overstate how much I dig the emphasis on the high-mids and super tight, subdued low-end of the EMG's, so I want something like that.

It can be both passive or active.

So... D-Activators? Evolutions? Duncan Distortions? EMTY Blackouts? Other? Any idea how those compare output-wise to the 81/60 and Het Set?

No BKP's, please. I want something more affordable and readily available.


I'd go with Hetfield's set. They're supposed to be the enhanced 81/60 version. And they'd be easier to install.
You finally got over the Dimarzio Super D in that thing? My S is a bit hard to get right too because it's got a really thick low mid, beefy tone despite its skinny body. I've had all sorts of crap in mine, starting with the Duncan Distortion, the JB, then a Dactivator, then an 81/85 combo, then back to JB, now back to 81/85. Each have their own advantages, but overall I think the Duncan Distortion floated my boat the most. The EMG 81 is just so god damn thin sounding on that guitar for my style of music. I kind of wish I just would have kept the JB I had in there, but I'm not wiring any more. I'm sick of it. Definitely DO NOT put a Dactivator in it. It was absolutely awful in that guitar. I currently have it in an Ash bodied ESP and it sounds amazing in that though.
Haha, the Super D was in an older guitar. An Iba SZ, actually. Got rid of the Super D and got some EMG's for that for a while. It doesn't have pickups right now. That's actually the one I'm going to stick the 57/66 in.

This S is newer. Which model is yours? This thing is actually darker than the thick-bodied SZ, for some reason. Honestly, I think this S is a better guitar overall.

I do like the 81/60 in this guitar, but I wouldn't mind trying out something new... and quite honestly, a little less polished and tight than an 81 would be nice.