Dime bag tribute "SO SLOW" now with bass....!!!!!


New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2005
My man Loki did it again....love the high parts in the chorus....jsut a very textured tone he had for this one....I think u guys remenber I recorde it while back as a Tribute for "DIMEBAG",..........and now Loki added some insane beautifully that is....bass llines and jsut made the song so much more intense......Killer stuff......Hoep u guys enjoy....!!!!!!!........PEAC EOUT

" SO SLOW" for my man Dimebag


Vox/gutiars : Waz
Bass : Loki
c'm on........its not that bad now is it....???........check it out.....I promise it wont bite......hahahaha........Keep listnein and rockin duders.....!!!.....PEAC EOUT
FUBAR said:
Well done Waz, twas very good

Why I thank you sir...........glad u liked it man.......!!!!...I think the addition of BAss by LOKI did the wonders....really gives the whoel song much texture....killer........Ive also actually played this for acoupel of friends...adn thy loved it too...really glad ppl are enjoyin it....its soething sincer and in memory of a great person.....Keep listenin adn rockin fellas......!!!!.......PEAC EOUT
<crimson> said:
hahahahahah wow.

waz i used to love you, but now i only like you.

hahahaha./..//////.....the whole point was to spark converstation........and I succeeded.....hahaha......I jsut was messin with u guys....dont worry...i wasnt listnein to that gay back shiat boys.......hahahaha.....im a metla head...'till death ....!!!!..Hells yeah.........PEAC EOUT