Dimebag Darrell is dead...

I just saw it on the news about 10 minutes ago...I'm shocked. He was one of my heroes. I really don't know what to say. They said Dimebag is dead, but no one has said who else has been shot.
I didn't know Dime or any of the DamagePlan guys personally but I knew alot about them through friends and through my roommate Willie, who worked for them before and was and is good friends of theirs.....everything I ever heard about Dime, the band, and their crew was good stuff, and it's sickening that this could happen to ANYONE, let alone people like these who were good, fun guys.

People are fucking sick, and it depresses me so bad that my stomach hurts, that someone would do this. You're onstage and putting yourself out there in the open to be hurt by sick cuntfucks like this gunman, when all youre trying to do is your job and entertain people. I can't even wrap my head around it.

This makes me very sad and it makes me sadder to know that people I care about dearly are hurting even worse because they've lost good friends in this incident.

Be careful out there everyone, please. The world is a sick fucking place.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I didn't know Dime or any of the DamagePlan guys personally but I knew alot about them through friends and through my roommate Willie, who worked for them before and was and is good friends of theirs.....everything I ever heard about Dime, the band, and their crew was good stuff, and it's sickening that this could happen to ANYONE, let alone people like these who were good, fun guys.

People are fucking sick, and it depresses me so bad that my stomach hurts, that someone would do this. You're onstage and putting yourself out there in the open to be hurt by sick cuntfucks like this gunman, when all youre trying to do is your job and entertain people. I can't even wrap my head around it.

This makes me very sad and it makes me sadder to know that people I care about dearly are hurting even worse because they've lost good friends in this incident.

Be careful out there everyone, please. The world is a sick fucking place.

Well put. I didn't KNOW Dimebag, but I ran into him all the time at concerts here, and talked to him a couple of times. I've always said he was so cool and down to earth (and usually piss drunk :cool: ) and always up for rambling about whatever. And most of all - a damn good musician. It makes me sick to think of any life cut short in such a fashion.
I honestly don't see what would possess such a sick fuck to do that... Even more sickening is the fact that it was during a time when people were kicking back and having a good time, and then this happens with no rhyme or reason. It's truly sad that we can't even feel safe at concerts anymore. People complain about terrorism, but more people die like this than terrorism. It's horrible...
Any kind of senseless killing, whether its an act of terrorism or just an independant act of useless violence, is a fucking tragedy.

I have been known to speak out in the past about how I don't like alot of concert security staff and the way they behave, etc. I am a licensed security guard as well, though I don't do concert security, so in alot of ways I feel like I have some informed opinions on the matter...too often, the people who are doing concert security are ill prepared, not properly trained and ill equipped to handle or prevent a situation like this. It's not necessarily the fault of the security themselves but of those who hire them and are required to train them. Often times I've been critical of the big muscle bound overzealous guys who can take their jobs "too seriously", but I'll tell you what, I'd rather it be that way if it means they are able to prevent something like this from happening.
Of course, anyone at anytime who possesses a weapon can walk into any public place and use it for some serious damage. But what's particularly scary, speaking from a musicians point of view, is that when you're onstage, you're putting yourself up there as an easy target for any loon to take advantage of. And when you have so many people crammed in there, and from the stage it's usually very hard to see clearly out into the crowd due to the lighting and smoke and everything, it's hard to see anyone or anything coming at you. I know personally of one well known metal singer who actually wears a bulletproof vest under his clothing from time to time, due to various threats he's received over the years and the numerous lunatics who've attempted to cross his path. It's really insane when you think about the fact that, we're just musicians, why is it so fucking volatile and dangerous??!

I feel bad for the guys in Damageplan of course, and for their families and crew, and for all of their friends and acquaintances. I feel badly for their fans across the world too. And what keeps plaguing my mind is, imagine being that 18 year old kid in the audience tonight who looks up to Dime as his hero, or that guy or girl who has followed the guys for years and years now who were in attendance, and actually had to witness this horror in front of their own eyes......I can't even fathom it, or what it must do to them emotionally and mentally. Fuck...

As of right now, about 3:40 am here, I've been told by mutual friends that the singer Pat is okay, and that Vinnie in fact is alright. Bob (Zilla) was from what I understand shot but I don't know if he's critical or worse or what have you.....I'm thankful that more people aren't hurt or killed, but damn......

I know things can happen at any time...but this ISNT supposed to happen man.
I agree completely. I'm not the biggest fan of Pantera, but even I am affected by Dime's death. I too feel bad for those who know him personally. But maybe, this could have a good impact. For example, maybe now security guards in concerts etc. will do a better job ensuring the band and the fans are safe. Now I have to commend you and the rest of Novembers Doom, as well as all the other bands who will still be getting up on stage out of dedication to the music and the fans. We all appreciate what you do.
I've heard now that none of the band members besides Dime were really injured and are in fact physically okay. Chris the tour manager was shot and is in critical condition and might not make it. "The Kat", Vinnie's roadie, was shot and injured as well, but I don't know what his status is right now. The Kat is an awesome guy and I really hope he made it through. No word yet on names of other people injured or fatalities.
This is unfuckingbelievable.

I'm still mourning the loss of Chuck back in 2001 and of Quarthon earlier this year, and now we have yet another legend gone. I have no words to say other than that tonight I'm having a drink or two in Dime's memory. Hails and see you in the Golden Halls.
It's quite strange to have all of these heroes whom we've loved for forever and are immortalized in some form, and then to picture them dead...It's almost haunting.
Okay, I've now heard that The Kat was indeed shot but he's doing okay and it wasn't critical. Thankfully!

Ironically, I've now heard from a few sources, both personally and on the news, that the security, and specifically the back stage security, at this venue is known for being very weak.....it's no wonder someone was able to get in and get on the stage like that. So fucking sad, man....wow.....irresponsible fucking venues, damn it.
What a sad day, not just for metal, but for any performer to take a stage. The thought that something like this was so easy to do... Larry and I just spoke how long it takes to get into the House of Blues in Chicago, going through 3 stops or check points to get in. I'd be happy to have a forth stop if it meant assuring the safety of the performers and the people in the building. It's fucked up how much you expect the security guards to protect you on stage, because as Larry mentioned, you are blind from the lights, and smoke. It's almost impossible to see the people directly in front of you, so you need people to be your eyes. I had some nut ball in New Jeresy climb on stage, run into me, and scream in my face. No security around at all. I "ejected" him myself, but the point being, there was no one there to stop it. When someone can just walk right on stage, there is a serious problem, and hopefully now, they will up the security and make things a bit more difficult to anywhere near the stage.

What amazes, and pisses me off, if they killed the gunman, and now we may never get his reasons on why. I'm sure it had to do with some Pantara fan, being upset the fact that Pantara was done. How pathetic is this?
Paul,.. that happened in Jersey too? Remember the NE Fest in '02? That might be what you are posting about, when you pushed the guy right off of the stage; I was standing in the vicinity, and had hoped he would have had a cracked skull to rattle his brains out. Some people are just ridiculous and too "fanatical", so to speak. I don't remember if the guy stuck around or walked away, but it was definitely awkward, because he seemed to have been three shades to the wind. Either way, we need to put a stop to these morons, especially when the majority of us are there to enjoy the surroundings with the music and friends. I was talking to Larry last night, and mentioned that that was why I stopped being such a Kiss fan a few years ago. Yes, there are great people we meet all the time, but it is the overabundance of schmucks out there who ruin it from time to time and make us feel embarrassed. Needless to say, I think the murderer was more than just a nutcase. I saw a report that had stated that he was quick tempered, and received an early military discharge. Though I haven't heard a Damageplan song, there are kids who like their cd, and it doesn't make it right for someone to think that they are in charge of fate. It just sickens me to no end.