Dimebag Darrell is dead...

Before I ever joined Usurper...
They recorded the 'Necronemesis' album at Nomad Studios in Dallas. The best thing that came out of those sessions was that there was a scheduling conflict with King Diamond that resulted in the King singing on the album as a return favor for giving up some days.
In the days that Usurper were booted from the studio, Rick told me that Sir Proscriptor from Absu told them of some cool bars to visit. In one of the bars they hit, Dimebag was there.
Rick told me that although he was never the biggest Pantera fan, that the guy was one of the nicest, coolest people he had ever met. He invited the whole crew to (oddly enough, they were in town) to a Pantera show that weekend, and then to the strip club that Darrell was a partner in.
Go easy, bro... Go easy.
I've not known one person who worked with or was friends with Darrell who had a bad thing to say about him. I consider myself a fan of his, but even if I weren't, I'd be pretty devastated by this, for all the reasons I've already mentioned above on this thread.
this article just came out regarding the Dimebag incident, it's worth reading...


I had wondered if the guy had attempted to talk to or reach any of the band members prior to the show. If this guy was mental and had a short fuse, it's possible he went off just because he was not allowed free admittance and was shooed away from trying to talk to Darrell. This guy was just another of the millions of nutbags out there who can't function in normal life with any sense of right or wrong. There's tons of them out there, and they might not be who you'd automatically suspect....

Which leads me to yet another tirade LOL.....one thing that has bothered me for some time now is that people are still generally so fucking naive when it comes to realising who the "bad guys" are and who aren't. Hasn't anyone noticed yet that usually when these serial killers or nutjobs like Nathan Gale occur, they're fairly normal looking, guy next door types who are "quiet, calm and friendly but somewhat loner-ish?" Now I'm not saying that all people who are that way are likely to be murderers or rapists or what have you, but more to the point that people seem to think that guys who are guilty of that are more likely to look like some long haired scruffy biker type metalhead with "crazy eyes" or some shit. People consistently judge others based on these false stereotypes that just don't ring true.
When I owned my collectibles store a few years back, I had to deal with some parents and kids who saw what I looked like and tried to spread rumours that I was everything from a drug dealer to a homosexual (no comments from the peanut gallery on that one either, fuckers LOL)....meanwhile, guys in my 'hood who were in their 40's and worked a "normal" job and had a "normal" haircut were getting busted for everything from selling drugs to kids to molestation and other crimes.....of course when this would come out, the people would say "Oh I can't believe it! He seemed like such a 'normal' nice gentleman!" Yeah, uh-huh, whatever folks. Like they say, the devil comes in many disguises, and the most dangerous ones are usually the ones you'd never suspect or see coming.

My point is, if people would perhaps open up their eyes a bit more and not so quickly dismiss other peoples strange behaviours just because they look like "normal" guys, then maybe we'd see more of the early warning signs and prevent these guys from going too far eventually. I mean yknow you don't want everyone walking around looking at everyone with suspicion of guilt constantly, of course. But it'd be nice if people could not be so preoccupied with staring at me like I'm some sort of criminal when walking into a place, while meanwhile some "normal" looking guy who's an ex-marine with mental problems just walked in behind me with an automatic pistol under his coat, looking for trouble.

And I have nothing against homosexuals, but when is the american public going to finally get it in their heads that usually gay guys do NOT walk around looking like a guy in a death metal band? Because of the long hair? I'd have to say that about 90% of the gay men I've seen or met are usually short haired, well dressed, preppy or yuppie types! I guess I could understand this narrow, misinformed mentality in the 1960's but jesus fucking christ, get with the fucking times already people LOL

Alright I'm done. For now. LOL
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
And I have nothing against homosexuals, but when is the american public going to finally get it in their heads that usually gay guys do NOT walk around looking like a guy in a death metal band? Because of the long hair? I'd have to say that about 90% of the gay men I've seen or met are usually short haired, well dressed, preppy or yuppie types! I guess I could understand this narrow, misinformed mentality in the 1960's but jesus fucking christ, get with the fucking times already people LOL

Alright I'm done. For now. LOL
Long hair = gay?

I've never gotten that before...

It's a shame about Darrell though, and the rest who were involved in the whole ordeal.

Speaking of fourth spots at the HOB and what not, you can probably bet on it happening now. Maybe even a fifth spot. Security in general, atleast in the nicer venues, will be increased. Definitely at metal shows. I wonder as well if some places might not even allow certain bands to play.

It's kind of odd, at the HOB the security is pretty strict, but after a point it isn't. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to meet up with James after the show, because of the security guards, but after the show they made a few attempts to move the fans away from the tour buses, but after that they were no where to be seen. James even commented on how easy it was to get me backstage, because earlier he had tried to get a couple of friends in but couldn't.
Unfortunately, I don't think places like House of Blues are where the security problems are. It's the small places that are just big enough to feature reasonably packed shows, like Double Door, Riley's Rockhouse, etc. All of these places are cool venues to play, don't get me wrong! But, they all have very little in the way of real security there, and in most cases, theres a door near the stage area that goes to the street or parking lot, that isn't that difficult to access if someone really wanted to. I mean you can't prevent every possible thing from happening, but it's just these smaller venues do often times feature national acts travelling through there, and I think the security is just not up to part at these types of places considering the types of crowds they get sometimes. And it can't just be some joe shmoe standing in near proximity of the backstage door either, it needs to be at least one or more guards who know what to do in case of an emergency, and will be strict about who gets in and out. Ultimately, it's going to be really hard to find a foolproof solution to this, probably impossible. But you will see venues taking more extreme measures in an attempt to make things safer.
what gets me is that in the very near future, changes will be made, in security or what have you, but in the long run, things get back to "normal"....nothing is really done long term to stop the stupidity...it will all fall back into the same cycle. Yet, this will be another incident for "society" to say "Look, we told you they are the problem!" (meaning the bands)...ignorant fucks....ugh
Dragon_Unearthed said:
what gets me is that in the very near future, changes will be made, in security or what have you, but in the long run, things get back to "normal"....nothing is really done long term to stop the stupidity...it will all fall back into the same cycle. Yet, this will be another incident for "society" to say "Look, we told you they are the problem!" (meaning the bands)...ignorant fucks....ugh
Well thats a very interesting point to make actually. Like I mentioned before, I have done security work for the past several years on and off, and I've seen the changes in attitude towards security before, during, and long after 9/11, for example. When 9/11 occurred, security everywhere was beefed up and suddenly everyone was taking it seriously, and places were spending more money and time making sure that security was improved. Roughly a year or so later, I was laid off from one place I was doing security at, which was a construction site for the rebuilding of an historical landmark building. The state governor cut funding at the time for security at statewide landmarks and sites like the one I was working for. Only a year after the terrorist attacks, you cut funding on security, at state momuments and historical sites no less?? Genius. Well of course it was because he had squandered alot of the state's funds and needed to recoup what he'd blown. It's all about money folks, as always.

What doesn't help however, is that the general public contribute to this "important today, forgotten tomorrow" mentality. When the attacks first happened, the public said they understood the need for the beefed up security and were willing to deal with the longer lines and more strict searches....now everyone is back to complaining about it again. I guess it's partly just human nature, or at least very typical of american behavior according to some, but I just don't understand how people can't be more cautious and aware of the dangers of the world around them on a more regular basis?

And yeah Vito, you can tell this Gale guy was a nut. Sad thing is, I've seen and met so many guys who look and sound just like him. There's just too many short fused nuts out there today.
And maybe I'm being too hopeful, but I think a good percentage of people who aren't metal fans will realise that this was just the act of a deranged lunatic and probably had little to do with the style of music played. I'm sure there'll be that batch of vocal idiots out there who'll try to use it against the genre.....then again, the metal scene does have its share of a bunch of psycho idiots too, so....LOL
Of course their will be those bastards who blame the music. Remember, listening to Judas Priest causes suicide...haha. I guess they don't believe that there is such a thing as someone being completely out of their mind and killing someone...it's always the music, or movies, or Cap'n Crunch...
Even if these small venues, or any venues for that matter put a guard on the outside back door, at all times, if the nut job is hell bent on killing a band member, the life of the guaard at the door will not matter, and he certainly won't mind wasting one bullet on the minimum waged nightclub security guard. I have no clue what the answer to this is. I would almost say the guards all need to be armed, not with bullets, but these days with the pepper guns, or beanbag guns, mace, pepper spray, ANYTHING to imobilize someone like that, the problem with this is, the pumped up security guards would abuse this, and be nailing the innocent guy who got pushed too close to the barrier. This is a no win. What scares me, is nut bags give over nut bags ideas, and courage to do stupid shit. I really hope this is something we would never see again.
A grenade went off at a concert in India or Sri Lanka or something - today and killed a couple people. Over here in the USA, we don't have nutbags launching grenades in to concert crowds YET...
I am looking for the link, I saw it on Yahoo news and then it disappeared.
The nutbags are on the loose!
Or you could always just travel with your own clear bullet-proof wall to put up around the stage!

Shit, if that were actually possible, that could be kinda cool LOL

I'm probably the only person who thought it would be cool to see a band like Megadeth actually perform live inside a giant cage like in "Wake Up Dead"!
When I heard that “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott was murdered while on stage, all I could think about at the time was then I met him when I was 15 at Zia Records by my house in Phoenix, AZ. I waited some hours to get my poster autographed by all of Pantera, most importantly my favorite metal guitarist of all time. Years later, I had the privilege to talk to him at an adult level about 3 months before this tragedy happened, at the age of 22. With a beer in my hand at the famous Rainbow Room Bar and Grill on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, I ran into Dime by the cigarette machine and asked him if I could speak with him. We talked about a lot of things for about 5 min, like when he played Mesa Amphitheater in Mesa, AZ on The Great Southern Trendkill tour in 1996. He was real responsive and friendly, and I wished him much future success in his new band Damageplan which I was impressed by with the work he did on their debut album New Found Power. When I thought about how we said goodbye, what happened was Dime and I hit both our fists together, and I said, “See ya at the Damageplan show in Tempe, AZ and his typical saying he said to me was “You know it brother,” I basically cried the second I heard the news and reminisced on that great moment.

He was such a down to earth guy, and influenced my life as a guitar player all throughout my teenage years. It was spiritual to get ready for a Pantera concert and to hear the man play live growing up. This affects all the metal communities worldwide, it will affect me for the rest of my life, and he will go down in history as a guitar legend and as a lifestyle. As a musician, I am not afraid when I perform on stage, even if a band doesn’t have any security, there is that sense of decency at least for a human not to harm another human over music. For this person with mental illness or whatever it was that triggered the murder, the stalker like obsession for musicians or any celebrity should be reported immediately to authorities. I don’t think this has ever happened before in the history of music, as far as someone getting on stage and executing someone while they are still handling their instrument. I will never forget this tragic event, to me it hit harder than 9/11.

We dedicated our show to Dimebag Dec 10th, 2004 at The Marquee Theater at the same venue Damageplan performed about a month prior from the show. The show started out as a local metal bands fest, but it was declared a memorial for Dimebag with about 800 in attendance. Channel 5 news did a coverage story about the issue of violence at metal shows with me and some of the Motive members. Our vocalist Nathan Gearhart did guest vocals with a thrash metal band from Phoenix, called Motive, they performed Fucking Hostile by Pantera. R.I.P. Dimebag, shred some licks with Chuck Schuldiner in the spiritual world, and we will meet again. My deepest condolences go to the family and friends of the victims in this berserk asinine shooting.