Dimebag Darrell is dead...

So many days after this and I still can't believe that this is real.


And tomorrow I'll be remembering Chuck as well. December should be 'Metal Rememberance' Month. The hell with the commercialistic Christian holiday.
What I'm expecting after this is more undertrained mass on the floor enforcing poorly planned regulations. After all, the philosophy behind most venue security hiring is "no sane person shall attempt to surmount THE MAN MOUNTAIN." Never mind that most typical problems come from those who don't think in rational manners. Maybe they're acting "scene" or just blitzed but their logic's different. Plus the major threats like Gale... they aren't even remotely sane.
*copied from my post on the OL board*

I went to Dime's memorial last night. There were thousands lined up outside the convention center. I waited about an hour in the cold just to get in the doors. Once we got in, they had a huge picture of Dimebag above the stage, a cardboard cut out of him, and his funeral flowers lined up across the stage. They had blown up photos of various magazine covers also, and two huge screens on either side of the stage. It started about 20 minutes late, as later explained, people would kid Dimebag about being late for his own funeral, and so he was.

A few people spoke, namely Jerry Cantrell (who played two songs with Mike Inez), then Zakk Wylde and Eddie Van Halen. Vinnie was the last to speak, and, of course, was the most touching and emotional. With tears in his eyes and his voice breaking towards the end, I don't think there was one person who wasn't totally moved by his speech about his brother. They then played a long video with concert footage, music videos, and homemade movies with Dimebag being himself.

It was a great night, part concert part memorial and liquor and tears all around.
That's very cool that you got to attend that. My roommate flew down there to attend since he was friends with Darrell and the rest of them, I wish I could have gone with. Heard about the whole Zakk and Eddie thing, sounded like it was hilarious and I'm sure Darrell would have loved every second of it. On top of being a great admirer of Darrell's, I've been lucky enough to know alot of friends who were also friends of Dime, and everything I've ever heard has been some great story or other, and while I didn't really know him personally, it just makes me miss him more. He was a great guitarist and from the sounds of it, he was a great generous friend to people he knew.

Were you allowed to bring in a camera and take any pics? I've seen some professional shots of the memorial, but I wasn't sure if they let fans bring cameras or anything. I'd like to see some pics if you did take any.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
That's very cool that you got to attend that. My roommate flew down there to attend since he was friends with Darrell and the rest of them, I wish I could have gone with. Heard about the whole Zakk and Eddie thing, sounded like it was hilarious and I'm sure Darrell would have loved every second of it. On top of being a great admirer of Darrell's, I've been lucky enough to know alot of friends who were also friends of Dime, and everything I've ever heard has been some great story or other, and while I didn't really know him personally, it just makes me miss him more. He was a great guitarist and from the sounds of it, he was a great generous friend to people he knew.

Were you allowed to bring in a camera and take any pics? I've seen some professional shots of the memorial, but I wasn't sure if they let fans bring cameras or anything. I'd like to see some pics if you did take any.

No, they were turning away people left and right for cameras. The guy in line in front of me shoved his down his pants, and they still caught him. I argued he was just well-endowed, but they made him take it back to his car. :loco: They did searches and had metal detectors, so it was pretty hard to get one in. They must have done a good job, I didn't see any flashes go off the entire time. But then there were people everywhere with those damn camera phones.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Here's a really good news bit on blabbermouth.net about Jason from Shadows Fall visiting Texas for the funeral and memorial. He mentions my roommate Willie in there too which is funny when you read what he calls him LOL....it's a good read, and Jason is a pretty good guy in fact. Actually all of the Shads are very cool people....
Agreed, i talked with Brian from shads once, and we was very down to earth.