MetalThrasher442 said:^Yeah, dude it's not working![]()
LuvataciousSkull said:
MetalThrasher442 said:Yeah, sorry it's not working. Like when I click play now, the box comes up, but its frozen.
LuvataciousSkull said:Double-check your connection, that could be it. It happens from time to time.
MetalThrasher442 said:Just checked, and nothings up. I'm pretty sure it's only worked for me one time, and this was like a couple months ago. When I click on play, the box comes up and it says everything is undefinedWell, if I can't get it going, have a good broadcast, and don't forget to dedicate some songs to me
I'll keep trying, and I'll stay on to see if you can help me.
LuvataciousSkull said:Sorry to hear that, man. Well, best of luck! Double-check your listening settings! You may be defaulting your MP3 Player program. Your best bet is to use Real Player.
MetalThrasher442 said:How do I use Realplayer?
LuvataciousSkull said:In the help section of the Live 365 Listening thing, it should ask about listening settings.Just select Real Player and it'll work without having to do anything else.
LuvataciousSkull said:Damn. I thinkt he showis either running at 56k, with is OK for dial-up, or we're back on broadband. That may be it.
At any rate, tell your friends we're on and thanks! :horns:
MetalThrasher442 said:Dude its actually working! It's loading right now, and its taking a long time.