Dimebag & Kerry King practicing together in 1989!!

Drokk said:
That's exactly what he's doing. It's a cheap shot; instead of actually coming up with a coherent argument, he tries to shut you down.

Like if I say, "Star Wars Episodes 1-3 suck donkey dick", and you say, "well, let's see you make a movie, smart guy". Whatever.

Dime could shred, could play soulfully, he could jam spontaneously, and he had a beautiful yet brutal tone, one of the most recognizable in all of music. Kerry King can do none of these things.

Kerry King is a great rythem player and he's written a ton of songs that shaped what metal is today. His leads are crap.
Drokk said:
Also, whoever fucking encoded the thing, it fast-forwards or some shit...annoying

Cool to see those guys so young...Phil and Dime were what, 21?

King isn't much of a lead player

fuck your a negative prick!!!! must be td
whitey131 said:
Kerry King is a great rythem player and he's written a ton of songs that shaped what metal is today. His leads are crap.
My point exactly. King and especially Hanneman fucking own thrash riffage. I am a Slayer fan, guys. I'm just saying that putting Dime and King next to each other, well, what I said. I do like some King solos: Seasons title track especially, and In the Name of God, for example. The riff on "Killing Fields" is a funky pattern. You can't get much more fuckin' metal than Kerry King.

fuck your [sic] a negative prick!!!! must be td
Man, I'm fuckin' Super Fun Happy Slide compared to TD.
I actually can manage a pretty mean slayer solo. Not like that's saying much. I think any real guitar player - or any musician for that matter - would call Slayer leads nothing but fretboard masterbation. But I love Slayer, and that is there style, and I am no one to tell them what to do, as they got the bucks and all I got is dreams.
kerry king is lucky if he even stays in key... but yes slayer is wicked and the riffing is amazing

but very cool to see 'm jammin like this :D