Dimebag Memorial Review


Aug 23, 2003
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What a fucking kick ass show!!!! My mind is still fucked so bare with me. First off, parking was a rip, $40.00 fucking bucks!!! we parked about a 1/2 mile away, screw paying that. The line to get in took forever, we missed Soil and part of Drowning Pool. What I saw of Drowning Pool was great. Anthrax came on at about 8:15, this is what I remember of the setlist, not sure if it's in order.

Fucking Hostile - this fucking rocked!!!!
Caught In A Mosh
Safe Home
Inside Out
What Doesn't Die
A New Level* with Vinnie Paul on drums


Before Disturbed took the stage they played a short movie with clips of Dime. Disturbed finished with Walk, with Vinnie on drums and members from all the bands, including Damageplan and Slipknot on stage. After that they did Cold Gin to top the night off. Sorry this isn't more detailed, but I'm drunk and tired. Goodnight all.
Dredd74 said:
What a fucking kick ass show!!!! My mind is still fucked so bare with me. First off, parking was a rip, $40.00 fucking bucks!!! we parked about a 1/2 mile away, screw paying that.

That's why I always take the el in for shows there or the Vic. there's no fucking parking.

BTW- I'm insanely jealous. Wanted to go so bad. Damn limited tickets.
IMO.. Distrubed should have let THrax play longer than they did, by the time they got going it seemed that it was over..

But and awesome show.. ANd for Dredd.. don't worry about Soil, IMO their new lead Singer sucks ass, and they really were not that great last night, the singer was off when singing the tunes..
You guys suck..... Ok did anyone talk to anyone in Anthrax, about all the Rumors????
Buddy get posting we want to see pics. And we want to see what pink was wearing.....

No words can be used to describe the emotion or enery level at the Aragon for this show..

And I say this in all honesty:

Anthrax brought more energy last night than in any concert I've seen the past decade. They truly blew everyone else off the stage.

Got the rail, and security was really cool. I got the setlist and a shitload of picks.

Shitty Camera Phone Pics:


Arrogant said:
And I say this in all honesty:

Anthrax brought more energy last night than in any concert I've seen the past decade. They truly blew everyone else off the stage.

Yeah, not just saying this cause they're my fav., but they truly did blow the pants off everyone else last night. I know Disturbed put this whole thing together, but they should've went on before Anthrax. It was cool as shit. When Vinnie got up to do A New Level, everyone was on the sides of the stage watching, it was his first time behind a kit since Dime's death. They said this morning that it was very emotional for him and everyone involved. :headbang:
Thanks to all that went... and Yes Anthrax should have Headlined........Where's pink????? Did anyone see her?????Hello pink????
FUCK ALL THE RECENT RUMOURS ... Once again the Thrax show why I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH... coz live they fucking DESTROY!!!!!!

Dimebag RIP and hope you are shredding with St Peter and co headbanging along!!!!