Even though I cant wait, this album is do or die for me concerning Dimmu ; even though ISD was good, it was a let down and NOTHING compared to DCA, PEM, etc etc.
Since Vortex and Mustis left, Sil, Galder and Shag havent stop claiming that the creative force of the band was intact, I cant wait to see that, but do they REALLY have great ideas left?
We'll find out by the end of the summer.

Even though I cant wait, this album is do or die for me concerning Dimmu ; even though ISD was good, it was a let down and NOTHING compared to DCA, PEM, etc etc.
Since Vortex and Mustis left, Sil, Galder and Shag havent stop claiming that the creative force of the band was intact, I cant wait to see that, but do they REALLY have great ideas left?
We'll find out by the end of the summer.