Dimmu Recording

The synths sounds totally fake and wrong for this song. Instead of lying in the background and creating an unholy mood(like the original) they are just annoying to my ears. The guitars are undergained and the the drums sounds fake as well...

Sorry for the harsh words.
Keep it up man!
A little bit of constructive ctriticism:

Synth - download freeware soundfont synth (sfz will do) and "cadenza strings" soundfont, use reverb and delay, mix it quieter than guitars.

Guitars - need more gain and more tracks
Yeah, I don't really have much else to add, as to what has already been said. Id agree about the guitars - they sound a bit muffled muddy, and should be way more 'in your face'. Synths lack a human feel to them, and also need to be a bit quiter. Im not too sure how to improve on the drums, but they need some ambience or something in there to give it more of a room sound, than just the samples. If you used DFHS, limit the fuck out of the ambience track, and hi and lo pass, if necessary, then just slowly bring up the fader untill it fits in nicely.

Other than that, well done.
Atheist said:
Now there's some geeky stuff! :)

Hehehe i was wrong there is piano too in the original but not as loud as in COBHC's version. (it's late night here and i was listening only to first minute or two of DB's version and the piano part starts at ~02:00)
Mutant said:
There is no piano in the original - try pizzicato strings patch (#45 if counted from 0 in general MIDI spec)

kev said:

I know i know :loco: :oops: :dopey:

Mutant said:
Hehehe i was wrong there is piano too in the original but not as loud as in COBHC's version. (it's late night here and i was listening only to first minute or two of DB's version and the piano part starts at ~02:00)
poidaobi said:
I did a cover of this song a while ago.

The keys are probably worse than this version :loco: :loco:

Mourning Palace

haha cheers. Next time I do a Dimmu cover hopefully someone on here can do keys.on the guitars, thats best i can do with this soundcard and behringer excuse of a mic pre (poop)

If anyone can do the keys and drums to Stormblast i'll glady and swiftly record a cover of that song.
poidaobi said:
haha cheers. Next time I do a Dimmu cover hopefully someone on here can do keys.on the guitars, thats best i can do with this soundcard and behringer excuse of a mic pre (poop)

If anyone can do the keys and drums to Stormblast i'll glady and swiftly record a cover of that song.

I don't have Stormblast in midi format.

If you want you can download my Mourning Palace synths mp3 + mid file which i downloaded long time ago.

I forgot to turn off reverb at export and missed few pops and clicks so you'll have to remove them.
Oh and you'll have to remove last 2 notes of first piano line.


All freeware
synth = rgc audio sfz
pizzicato strings = Fluid R3.sf2
choir = Choir Choral Aachs.sf2
strings = Cadenza Strings.sf2
piano = Converted Maestro Concert Grand
reverb = Ariesverb