DIO Comments On "The Osbournes"

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
RONNIE JAMES DIO On 'THE OSBOURNES': 'OZZY Has Been Used' - Dec. 19, 2002

Former BLACK SABBATH frontman Ronnie James Dio believes that Ozzy Osbourne's current prevalence in the media will ultimately harm his musical legacy — particularly in the eyes of those "intelligent" enough to see how Ozzy "has been used" as a marketing tool by those around him.

"I think that the things [Ozzy]'s done should be judged as musical pieces and not as what people perceive them as," Dio told KNAC.com in response to a question about the effect of Osbourne's media overexposure on how his body of work is perceived. "I think you will find that those who really, dearly take Ozzy to heart whether it be musically or just from his huge fan base will not be deterred in any way, shape or form by what they see with Ozzy. They will make their own excuses for him. Intelligent people though will see how the man has been used — I really feel that that's what's happened to him. I think that he obviously has some health problems, and that may have contributed to some of this. Let's face it, the fact that he was supposed to be such an evil person but is now being portrayed as the opposite, is really just another way for them to market the product. I think there are some though who did initially hear the name 'Ozzy Osbourne of BLACK SABBATH' and thought this is gonna be one demonic guy, and then they turn around and see this show, and although it doesn't necessarily tarnish him, it does demystify what they thought he was going to be. I would so much have preferred my memory of Ozzy's legacy to be that of 'here's one of the guys who created the genre of heavy metal.' BLACK SABBATH were the band who created it all as far as I'm concerned — not my part of it — but their part of it. I would rather remember him for what he created rather than what I see which doesn't demystify him to me because I know him, but I do think it harms his musical legacy — I really do."
Well... i've never even seen the show :eek: !

...so Ozzy still rules in my book. He has never been afraid to show the fragile, human side of himself, through his lyrics and that is why people dig him.

Ronnie James is definately a class act as well.
I totally agree with Dio. Ozzy has been turned into a clown for all the world to see on cable tv. Its sad and pathetic. The Ozzy from back in the day when he still had half his mind intact would never allow such an attrocity. I blame his stupid $$ hungry bitch of a wife. Between those pathetic ozzfest tours and now a sitcom she has single handedly turned Ozzy from a mysterious evil metal king into a laughable pathetic dolt for everyone to laugh at.
What a shame :(
Originally posted by MacMoney
I agree with Dio. The Osbournes is a fucking disgrace.

Also, as a singer and songwriter, Dio shits all over Ozzy from several leagues above.

Ozzy = most overrated singer in the goddamn history of rock/metal + hasn't released a decent album to save his sorry ass since Randy died

NP: Eternity X - The Edge
on a positive side, everyone here is so quick to judge. Maybe Ozzy is getting tired of the touring gig. Maybe, just maybe, he likes doing what he is doing. Everyone is a fucking critic! I will never change my opinion or view of the godfather of heavy metal. I am no turn-coat. Just like the people that comment about the length of Chucks hair. So what if Ozzy's wife is making them tons of money. If Ozzy didn't want to do it, then he wouldn't. And screw that comment about his wife.

(not intended to start an argument, just mho
If he's fucking tired of setting up festivals for gay nu-metal bands, then maybe he could sit on his sorry ass counting his million dollars. He doesn't need the money from MTV, but the thing he is a fucking greedy asshole who can't live without. The show is a disgrace. Nuff said.

Now he's pimping his daughter with lame re-worked Madonna songs to MTV. This couldn't possibly be anymore screwed up than it is now.

Ozzy can now write another album with the ex-Shitvana member Dave Grohl and give us another Down to Earth (or hell!) album.
Originally posted by Valofvalhalla
on a positive side, everyone here is so quick to judge. Maybe Ozzy is getting tired of the touring gig. Maybe, just maybe, he likes doing what he is doing. Everyone is a fucking critic! I will never change my opinion or view of the godfather of heavy metal. I am no turn-coat. Just like the people that comment about the length of Chucks hair. So what if Ozzy's wife is making them tons of money. If Ozzy didn't want to do it, then he wouldn't.

Indeed. I love the first two records from Ozzy and Randy and still think he's deserves everything he gets. If he wants to exploit himself for more cash so be it. He has toured the world making music for so many years if he's tired and agreed to be in this sitcom for tons of cash, big deal. Maybe he's doing this so he can just retire from touring , cause face it , from the looks of his current health I don't think he will be jumping up and down singing his ass off , throwing buckets of water, for another 5 years. I met him for the first time about a month ago @ the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno and he was SHAKING. I mean full on SHAKING like Mohammand Ali as he signed an autograph for me. He looks like he's in rough shape. However i do see the point Dio is trying to make as well. It's kinda sad to see him so jacked up and made out to be a fragile dummy. After this season it would probaby be best if he calls it quits on the reality-show.

Originally posted by Mezarkabul
Now he's pimping his daughter with lame re-worked Madonna songs to MTV. This couldn't possibly be anymore screwed up than it is now.

I agree with Dio 100%. When I first heard about The Osbournes show, I thought it would be an inside look at Ozzy himself, but it turned out to be a sitcom about his two bratty kids and bitchy wife.