Ronnie ........................on..........Ozzy

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Ronnie James Dio recently spoke to Bob Ruggiero of the Houston Press about the man whom he replaced at the helm of BLACK SABBATH, Ozzy Osbourne. Calling Ozzy "a mumbling, semi-conscious reality sitcom star who shuffles around in his sweatpants scooping up dog shit and being dominated by his shrewish wife and spoiled-ass kids," Ruggiero asked the singer about the effect on Osbourne's legacy in the wake of the MTV reality-TV sitcom that made Ozzy a household name.

"Ozzy's legacy is now incredibly tarnished," Dio said. "I would be more concerned about the people I'm making music for. I thought he was supposed to portray himself better, but now they have him as some guy with an affliction," Dio. "To see this's sad. But it's what he wants and there's money involved. So who am I to say? It's just sad, because he's one of the guys who invented heavy metal."

In the same interview, Dio spoke about the pinky-and-index-finger extended "devil horns" sign that he is widely crediting for pioneering. According to Ronnie, the horns did not spring forth from the fiery pits of hell or a dark dragon's cave — rather, they came from Dio's Italian grandmother.

"She used to flash that sign all the time. It was protection against the 'evil eye' as well as a way to give it," Dio said. "It was natural for me to do, and it's become a symbol of the bond between me and the audience. But I didn't invent it. Some caveman probably laid it on his buddy, Og!"

Dio also knows the power of the sign in concert. "Sometimes I tease the audience with it, but then when I do it, the place goes nuts," he laughed. "It's like 'Yes! The horns! That's what we came for! And here I thought it was the music..."

From Blabbermouth.Net
On a REALLY sick note....

I walked into the break room at my work the other day and some dimwit had the country music channel on and there was a live video of some shitkicker hick singing some shitty song like my dog died and my wife is screwing the neighbor and wants me out song...and the fucker...get this....was flashing the devil horns over the crowd...and the crowd was flashing it back!!! WTF??? Now I'm not so sure I will ever do it again..the horns have been tarnished!!
everyone flashes that sign these days, Dio has talked about that as well.
I seriously doubt that Dio is jealous or bitter towards Ozzy. I think what he said is so on target its not even funny!
"a mumbling, semi-conscious reality sitcom star who shuffles around in his sweatpants scooping up dog shit and being dominated by his shrewish wife and spoiled-ass kids,"

hahahaha, that about sums it up!

Dio rules!!
everyone flashes that sign these days, Dio has talked about that as well.
I seriously doubt that Dio is jealous or bitter towards Ozzy. I think what he said is so on target its not even funny!
"a mumbling, semi-conscious reality sitcom star who shuffles around in his sweatpants scooping up dog shit and being dominated by his shrewish wife and spoiled-ass kids,"

hahahaha, that about sums it up!

Dio rules!!

Exactly, Dio is spot on in his assesment of Ozzy.

@Hunger-WTF is C.O.T.L.O.D.?
hiddenlegions said:
Sounds almost like he's bitter about Ozzy's success. And Black Sabbath invented alot of what we listen to not just Ozzy by himself.

I totally agree with you Hidden. People can't stand the fact that Ozzy does what Ozzy wants. Fuck em. And for Sharon, so what? They can role in the dough for the rest of their lives, besides, let Ozzy mumble. His voice still rings through! Ozzy will always remain the King of Metal no matter what in my eyes.

Jealously sucks! Period!
Yeah Val , I mean why does Dio care? I agree with what the others were saying as well , his kids are spoiled brats and sharon is money hungry , but let ozzy do what he wants. I still dig his music and nothing can erase his contributions even though he's just in to making cash.
~I'm sure Dio is jealous. But Ozzy is Ozzy, he's about everything that Dio said, but he's not a primadonna. He does clean up after his dogs and he does do house chores and he lets sharon call the shots because she knows best and he couldn't live without her. Besides after 30 some-odd years of heavy drug use I don't think that he would be able to do much better. I kept wondering why Dio hasn't been more recognised in most metal circles, even if its a step behind Ozzy? Then I heard his new single, what an AC/DC rip-off piece the song was. After singing greats like Die Young and Rainbow in the Dark, man has he gone downhill. Must be that beating the shit out of his maids wore him out.