Dio Tonite Glasgow

Yip I'll be there Dan. By the time I finish work and get home and get changed into my Saxon tshirt , it will be after 7 O'clock before I'm in Glasgow. Time for just a couple of quick ones in the Solid before heading to the Carling. I'll look out for you doon the front. Holy Diver in its entirety - canny wait!!!!!!!
Craig or Princess,what time did the Dio show start? The reason I ask is I'm going to Manchester gig on Saturday night but am going to the Rugby League Grand Final (Come on you Rhinos!) at Old Trafford first. It won't finish until 20:00 then I've got to get to the Academy. If we're getting tonked I could leave early! Sorry to Bradford fans if this action infringes any copyright!!!:D
Hi Bert, you are in for a treat cos last night was just absolutely incredible. The wee man definitely has still got it, I think everyone was just blown away by last night's performance. He was quite late in coming on, I think it was nearer 9 O'clock before we saw himbut it was worth the wait. It goes without saying that Holy Diver was totally deadly and he did a few classics from Heaven & Hell which was just brilliant. It was a really fantastic night and I'm a suffering bigtime right now. My memory is a bit blurry at the minute but I'm sure he played Man on the Silver Mountain and Sign of the Southern Cross. And possibly Gates of Babylon. I can never remember all the songs until a few days after the concert when it all comes flooding back!!!!!! Right I need to go and have a wee lie down now cos I think I'm about to throw!!!!! No more drinking for me - well not until Wednesday night lol!!!!!